Because the goal of theBe Boulderplatform is to present a single, cohesive message to our internal and external audiences, it is important that all departments, schools, programs, organizations and centers affiliated with CU Boulder work together to abide by the design guidelines of the platform. Below are correct and incorrectdesign componets to keep in mind when creating a project.

Logo Guidelines:

Do:Lock up the CUBoulder logo below the tagline.Use artwork provided rather than reproducing ityourself.

ٴDz’t:Lock up the CUBoulder logo on top of the tagline.Use artwork provided rather than reproducing ityourself.

Do:Set the tagline in initial caps.Use artwork provided rather than reproducing the tagline yourself.

ٴDz’t:Set the wordmark in all caps.Use artwork provided rather than reproducing the tagline yourself.

Do:Right align the specific unitwith the bottom right of the "r" in Be Boulder.

ٴDz’t:Center align the wordmark lockups.

Do:Use lowercase letters for the second word in the "Be" statement.

Be statement second word correct with lowercase letters

ٴDz’t:Use uppercase letters for the second word in the "Be" statement.

Be statement second word incorrect with uppercase letters