Color is an important part of our visual system.ÌýSpecific colors are combined to create aÌýunique signature for the University of ColoradoÌýBoulder.ÌýTo maintain consistency in our visual identityÌýsystem, it is essential to reproduce our colorsÌýaccurately. The official colors of CU Boulder are CU Gold (PMS 4525 C), Black, CU Dark Gray (PMS 425 C) and CU Light Gray (PMS 422 C).ÌýAlways follow theÌýCMYK,ÌýRGBÌýandÌýweb/hex values shown on this page.

Other colors may be used in CU Boulder communicationsÌýas accents in support of the primaryÌýcolor palette on this page. All communications,Ìýhowever, should feature the colors specifiedÌýon this pageÌýto ensure consistencyÌýand build recognition of the CUÌýBoulder visualÌýidentity.

