

Helen Do

Helen is in her final year of a master's in Mechanical Engineering. She enjoys cooking, jigsaw puzzles, and is learning piano. She also has nine pets at home. In her free time, she loves playing video games and listening to music.

Vice President Cultural

Picture of Vice President Emily

Emily L

Vice President Cultural
Emily is a senior majoring in Molecular Cellular Developmental Biology. She is excited to be your VP this year and wants to become friends with everyone in SASE.

Vice President Professional


Manas Katragadda

Vice President Professional
Manas is a senior majoring in Aerospace Engineering. He loves climbing and playing basketball. He is looking forward to his new role in SASE and invites everyone to reach out or say hi if they see him on campus.



Jason Cheung

Jason is a junior majoring in Aerospace Engineering. He enjoys video games and music. A fun fact about Jason is that he’s learning to play the piano.

Campus Coordinator


Christopher Aung

Campus Coordinator
Christopher is excited about this role and looking forward to meeting new people. He enjoys soccer, music, and art.



Hunter Thammavong

Hunter is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering. He loves cars, shoes, and sports.

Public Relations


Diyora Mey Daminova

Public Relations
Diyora is a junior majoring in Aerospace Engineering. A fun fact is that she speaks four languages: Uzbek, Russian, English, and Kazakh. She is an international student from Uzbekistan and enjoys traveling and hiking.