
Experiencing a traumatic event may lead to distress and disruption.Ìý People may go through a wide range of common responses after these events.ÌýThere is no one way to respond to trauma and impact can vary from person to person. OVA advocate counselors can help people learn more about, process, and cope with the range of common ways people respond after traumatic events. For more infomation and resources on the impact of trauma, click here.Ìý

To contact OVA to ask quetions or schedule an appointment, see OVA's Contact Page for the various ways to connect with free and confidential services.Ìý The below information may be helpful for people who want to know more before or after connecting with OVA staff.

Reporting Options

If you, a friend, or loved one have experienced an assault, experiences of bias, crime, discrimination, harassment, intimate partner abuse, sexual assault or stalking, the victim/survivor/impacted party has rights and options.ÌýOVA is available to discuss reporting options and what to expect in a process to assist the survivor in making an informed decision that they decide is best for them.Ìý For more information on reporting options click here.Ìý OVA is not the office that investigates or adjudicates cases.ÌýOVA's victim advocate counselors are staff who are informed about the different reproting options and are a resource to help survivors explore their options if they would like.ÌýFor more details on our confidentiality please visit the ´ºË®ÌÃÊÓƵ OVA's page, and read the confidentiality section.Ìý

A person does NOT have to report their experience to another office to utilize OVA's confidential advocacy and counseling services.