
From the Lab

  • MAL Director Lori Emerson and Manager libi rose striegl publish "" in (April 2019)
  • about the MAL and related research projects in the International Journal of Communication (June 2016)
  • MAL Director Lori Emerson writes “Das Media Archaeology Lab” in Retro: Computer | Spiele | Kultur. English version “” (July 2014)
  • Natalie Baur interviews MAL director Lori Emerson for Infotecarios blog: “” (November 2013). English version is available .
  • Matthew Sparks interviews MAL director Lori Emerson for Radio 1190 on “And So It Goes” (October 2013)
  • for BYU Radio, 143 Sirius XM (October 2013)
  • Amy Letter interviews MAL director Lori Emerson for The Rumpus: “” (September 2013)
  • Kristen Gallagher interviewes MAL Director Lori Emerson on Jacket Magazine 2: “?” (February 2013)
  • Trevor Owens interviews MAL Director Lori Emerson on the Library of Congress blog The Signal: Digital Preservation: “” (October 2012)
  • MAL Director Lori Emerson presents on the philosophy of the lab (““) at E-Poetry 2011 in Buffalo, New York. (May 2011)

ˮƵ the Lab

  • “,” CNET (August 2018)
  • “,” Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science (May 2017)
  • “,” Coloradan: University of Colorado Alumni Magazine (December 2016)
  • the Creators Project features the MAL and its artist residency series in “” (July 2014)
  • Alexis Madrigal, Senior Editor at The Atlantic, lists the MAL on OneBusiness in a list of “” (January 2013)
  • Alexis Madrigal, Senior Editor at The Atlantic, mentions the MAL on The Atlantic online in “” (January 2013), reblogged on
  • Brad Feld, the managing director of the Foundry Group and MAL donor, blogs about the MAL: “” (November 2013)
  • Nick Montfort blogs about the lab in a post titled “” (July 2013)
  • Colorado Arts & Sciences Magazine publishes a write-up on the MAL, “” (December 2012)
  • Jussi Parikka  and its relation to Wolfgang Ernst’s Media Archaeological Fundus in Berlin (October 2012)
  • the Library of Congress blog The Signal: Digital Preservation mentions the MAL along with  and the  at Emory University in a post titled “‘” (December 2011)
  • the Poetry Foundation mentions the MAL in relation to a paper Lori Emerson presented on the lab at E-Poetry Festival in May 2011 (Buffalo, NY): “.” (April 2011)