* graduate student co-author
†undergraduate student co-author

*Carvajal-Endara, S., A.P. Hendry, N.C. Emery, C.P. Neu, D. Carmona, K.M. Gotanda, T.J. Davies, J.A. Chaves, and M.T. J. Johnson. 2019. The ecology and evolution of seed predation by Darwin's finches on Tribulus cistoides on the Galápagos Islands. Ecological Monographs. ​Available online:ÌýDOI: 10.1002/ecm.1392

*LaRue, E., N.C. Emery, L. Briley and M.R. Christie. 2019.ÌýGeographic variation in dispersal and dispersal distance facilitate range expansion of a lakeshore plant in response to climate change. Diversity and DistributionsÌý25:1429-1440.

*Torres-Martínez, L. and N.C. Emery. 2019. Adaptive potential of an endemic wetland plant species in the face of extreme climate events. Ecology Letters 22Ìý(5):866-874.

Emery, N.C. and R.J. La Rosa. 2019. The effects of temporal variation on fitness, functional traits, and species distribution patterns. Integrative and Comparative BiologyÌý59 (3):509-516.

*Tittes, S., *J.F. Walker, *L. Torres-Martínez and N.C. Emery. 2019. Grow where you thrive, or where only you can survive? An analysis of performance curve evolution in a clade with diverse habitat affinities. American Naturalist 193 (4):530-544.

*Chambers, S.M. and N.C. Emery. 2018. AoB PLANTS.

*LaRue, E., J.D. Holland and N.C. Emery. 2018. Environmental predictors of dispersal traits in a lakeshore plant species. Ecology 99 (8): 1847-1865.

Bruno, J.F., T.A. Rand, N.C. Emery and M.D. Bertness. 2017. Facilitative and competitive interaction components among New England salt marsh plants. PeerJ 5:e4049.

*Carvajal-Endara, S.S., A.P. Hendry, N.C. Emery, and T.J. Davies. 2017. Habitat filtering not dispersal limitation shapes oceanic island floras: species assembly of the Galapagos Flora. Ecology Letters 20 (4): 495-504.

*Larue, E., *S. Chambers, and N.C. Emery. 2017. Eco-evolutionary dynamics in restored communities and ecosystems. Restoration Ecology 25 (1): 19-26.

Espeland, E.K., N.C. Emery, K.L. Mercer, S.A. Woolbright, K.M. Kettenring, P.L. Gepts, and J.R. Etterson. 2017. Evolution of plant materials for restoration: Insights from the applied and basic literature. Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (1): 102-115.

*Torres-Martínez, L., †P. Weldy, M. Levy, and N. C. Emery. 2017. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity in precipitation patterns explain population-level germination strategies in an edaphic specialist. Annals of Botany 119 (2): 253-265.

*Van Den Elzen, C.L., *E. LaRue and N.C. Emery. 2016. Oh, the places you'll go! Understanding the evolutionary interplay between dispersal and habitat adaptation as a driver of plant distributions. American Journal of Botany 103 (12): 2013-2014.

*Torres-Martínez, L. and N. C. Emery. 2016. Genome-wide SNP discovery in the annual herb, Lasthenia fremontii (Asteraceae): genetic resources for the conservation and restoration of a California vernal pool endemic. Conservation Genetics Resources 8 (2): 145-158.

*Chambers, S.M. and N.C. Emery. 2016. Local adaptation and countergradient variation across the geographic range of the fern Vittaria appalachiana (Pteridaceae). American Journal of Botany 103 (1): 86-98.

*Walker, J.F., R.K. Jansen, M.J. Zanis and N.C. Emery. 2015. Sources of inversion variation in the small single copy (SSC) region of chloroplast genomes. American Journal of Botany 102 (11): 1751-1752.

*Forrestel, E.J., D.D. Ackerly and N.C. Emery. 2015. The joint evolution of traits and habitat: ontogenetic shifts in leaf morphology and wetland specialization in Lasthenia. New Phytologist 208 (3): 949-959.

*Stevens, S.M. and N.C. Emery. 2015. Dispersal limitation and population differentiation in performance beyond a northern range limit in an asexually reproducing fern. Diversity and Distributions 21 (10): 1242-1253.

Emery, N.C. and D.D. Ackerly. 2014. Ecological release exposes genetically-based niche variation. Ecology Letters 17 (9): 1149-1157.

Kraft, N.J.B., G.M. Crutsinger, *E.J. Forrestel and N.C. Emery. 2014. Functional trait differences and the outcome of community assembly: an experimental test with vernal pool annual plants. Oikos 123 (11): 1391-1399.

*Walker, J.F., M.J. Zanis and N.C. Emery. 2014. Comparative analysis of complete chloroplast genome sequence and inversion variation in Lasthenia burkei (Madieae, Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany 101 (4): 722-729.

*Halbur, M.M., C.M. Sloop, M.J. Zanis and N.C. Emery. 2014. The population biology of mitigation: impacts of habitat creation on an endangered plant species. Conservation Genetics 15 (3): 679-695.

*Adams, M.T., T. Benjamin, N.C. Emery, S. Brouder, and K.D. Gibson. 2013. The effect of biochar on native and invasive prairie plant species. Invasive Plant Science and Management 6 (2): 197-207.Ìý

Gibson, K.D., *Quackenbush, P.M., N.C. Emery, M.A. Jenkins, and E.I. Kladivko. 2013. Invasive earthworms and plants in Indiana old and second growth forests. Invasive Plant Science and Management 6 (1): 161-174.

Emery, N.C., *E.J. Forrestel, *G. Jui, *M. Park, B.G. Baldwin and D.D. Ackerly. 2012. Niche evolution across spatial scales: climate and habitat specialization in California Lasthenia (Asteraceae). Ecology 93 (8): S151–S166.

*Quackenbush, P.M., *R.A. Butler, N.C. Emery, M.A. Jenkins, E.I. Kladivko, and K.D. Gibson. 2012. Lumbricus terrestris prefers to consume Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) seeds. Invasive Plant Science and Management 5 (2): 148-152.

Emery, N.C., K.J. Rice and M.L. Stanton. 2011. Fitness variation and local distribution limits in an annual plant population. Evolution 65 (4): 1011-1020.

*Tucker, R.C., M. Zanis, N.C. Emery, and K.D. Gibson. 2011. Effects of water depth and seed provenance on the growth of wild rice (Zizania aquatica). Aquatic Botany 94 (3): 113-118.

Sargent, R., S. Kembel, N.C. Emery, E.J. Forrestel and D.D. Ackerly. 2011. Effect of local community phylogenetic structure on pollen limitation in an obligately insect-pollinated plant. American Journal of Botany 98 (2): 283-289.

Strauss, S.Y., M.L. Stanton, N.C. Emery, †et al. (15 undergraduate co-authors). 2009. Cryptic seedling herbivory by nocturnal introduced generalists impacts survival, performance of native and exotic plants. Ecology 90 (2): 419-429.

Emery, N.C. 2009. Ecological limits and fitness consequences of cross-gradient pollen movement in Lasthenia fremontii. American Naturalist 174 (2): 221-235.

Emery, N.C., M.L. Stanton and K.J. Rice. 2009. Factors driving distribution limits in an annual plant community. New Phytologist 181 (3): 734-747.

Baack, E.J., N.C. Emery and M.L. Stanton. 2006. Ecological factors limiting the distribution of Gilia tricolor in a California grassland mosaic. Ecology 87 (11): 2736-2745.

Rice, K.J. and N.C. Emery. 2003. Managing microevolution: Restoration in the face of global change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1 (9): 469-478.

Emery, N.C., P.J. Ewanchuk and M.D. Bertness. 2001. Competition and salt-marsh plant zonation: Stress tolerators may be dominant competitors. Ecology 82 (9): 2471-2485.