Photograph of a clear glass jar with a rounded body, two handles that connect the shoulders to the mouth, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.15, Roman Aryballos

May 18, 2018

This small container for oil and perfumes is Roman and dated to the 3rd to 4th century C.E.

Photograph of a clear glass jar with a rounded body, two handles that connect the shoulders to the mouth, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.14, Roman Sprinkler Flask

May 18, 2018

This vessel for holding perfumed oils is Roman and dated to the 3rd century C.E.

Photograph of a clear glass vessel with a round body and a relatively short neck that tapers into a horizontal, disk-shaped mouth, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.13, Roman Sprinkler Flask

May 15, 2018

This vessel for holding perfumed oils is Roman and dated to the 3rd century C.E.

Photograph of a dark glass vessel with an oviod body that tapers to a point, a relatively short neck that tapers outward to the mouth, and a handle that connects the body to the mouth, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.12, Roman Amphoriskos

May 15, 2018

This jug for holding liquids is Roman and dated to the 1st century C.E.

Photograph of clear glass vessel with rounded body and base and short neck that flares to a rounded mouth, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.11, Roman Pyriform Unguentarium

May 15, 2018

This vessel for perfume, oil, or lotion is Roman and dated to the 3rd century C.E.

Photograph of a clear glass vessel with a squat globular body and a tall, narrow neck that flares toward the top to a rounded mouth, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.10, Roman Candlestick Unguentarium

May 15, 2018

This vessel, which held oil or perfumes, is Roman and dated to the 2nd century C.E.

Photograph of a clear glass vessel with a flat bottom, a narrow body and a tall, narrow neck, with a small, rounded mouth, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.9, Roman Candlestick Unguentarium

May 15, 2018

This oil or perfume container is Roman and dated to the late 1st century C.E.

Photograph of a blue glass vessel with a pointed bottom, ovoid body, and tall, narrow neck that tapers slightly outward to a rounded mouth, from the side against a neutral background.

2008.18.2.8, Roman Unguentarium

May 15, 2018

This container for oil or perfume is Roman and dated to the 1st century C.E.

Photograph of a reddish glass vessel with a round body and base with a relatively short and narrow neck and outward-tapering mouth, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.7, Roman Bottle with Funnel Mouth

May 15, 2018

This vessel for oil or perfume is Roman and dated to the late 2nd century C.E.

Photograph of a dark glass vessel with a globular body and somewhat tall neck that tapers out at the top, from the side against a neutral gray background.

2008.18.2.6, Roman Flask

May 15, 2018

This liquid container is Roman and dated to the 1st century C.E.
