The Benson Center funds research and educational initiatives that contribute to critical reflection on the development of Western civilization. Although funding is open to any faculty at CU Boulder, special consideration is given to faculty fellows, and those who have a demonstrated interest in the study of Western Civ through participation at Center events.Faculty interested in applying for grants should consider applying as faculty fellows, which is a year-long appointment to participate in Center programming and includes a $4,000 stipend.

Faculty grants are awarded three times throughout the academic year.The deadlines to apply are September 1, December 1, and March 1. Faculty with off-cycle requests should email Recipients of funding are asked to acknowledge the Center in event advertisingandsubmit a briefonline report no later than 1 month after the conclusion of the activity. The reports help the Centerattract donor funding for future faculty grants.

Faculty Grant Application

We are particularly interested in funding initiatives of the following kinds:

  • Scholarly Lecturers
  • Public Lectures
  • Conferences
  • Educational Initiatives
  • Outreach visits to local schools, retirement communities, etc.
  • Funding for students you’re working with
  • Research funds or course buyouts

Other sorts of initiatives may also be eligible, but we do not fund faculty travel to other places.

Applications should consist of the following materials:

  1. The mandatory application form (available here);
  2. A narrative explaining the proposal;
  3. A concise budget;
  4. Information (a short CV, for instance) about visiting speakers (if any), including preliminary visit dates

All of this information should be submitted via email to We prefer, if possible, that you submit all of the elements of the application as a single .pdf document, with the pages ordered according to the above list.

There are three rounds of grants each year, with the following deadlines:

  • September 1
  • December 1
  • March 1

If there is an urgent need for a funding decision prior to a deadline,pleaserequest off-cycle consideration in the application.

Would-be applicants should feel free to consult with the Center directorin advanceabout the feasibility of their proposal.

Faculty grants require a brief report upon the conclusion of the activity.Reports should also include any marketing and hopefully a good photo or two from the event. Please click here to

During the 2023–24academic year, the Benson Center has awarded 5faculty grants totaling $8,173.

2023-24 Grantee Home Department Amount Awarded In Support of Date of event
Peter Hunt Classics $973 Dr. Hunt's research as an Athenian social historian October 16, 2023
Brian Catlos Religious Studies $1,000 Support for the CU Mediterranean Studies Group Ongoing support
Zachary Herz Classics $4,000

Book workshop for manuscript of "The God and the Bureaucrat: A Story of Roman Law."

Ongoing support
Carole Newlands Classics $1,000 Lecture by Prof. V. Panoussi on the CU Boulder campus

March 3, 2024

Jackie Elliott Classics $1,200 Prof. H. Gardner lecture: "Art will get us through it: plague and poetry from Vergil's bees to Emily St. John Mandel's Station Eleven." January 19, 2024

2022-23 Grantee Home Department Amount Awarded In Support of Date of event
Michaele Ferguson Political Science $1,378.58 Prof. Frost lecture on the CU Boulder campus October 14, 2022
Brian Catlos Religious Studies $5,000 Support for the "Mediterranean Origins of the West" October 21 & 22, 2022

David Boonin



Colorado Ethics Bowl

January 28, 2023

Celine Dauverd



Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) conference

May 19 - 21, 2023

Mitzi Lee



Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference

April 16-18, 2023

2021-22 Grantee Home Department Amount Awarded In Support of Date of event
Benjamin Hale Philosophy and Environmental Studies $2,750 Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress August 12-15, 2021
Brian Catlos Religious Studies $5,000 Support for the CU Mediterranean Studies Group Ongoing support

David Boonin



Colorado Ethics Bowl

February 15, 2022
Philosophy Department Philosophy


Editorial assistance by Dawn Jacob to help complete the last volume of Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy

March8, 2022

2020-21 Grantee Home Department Amount Awarded In Support of Date of event
Benjamin Hale Philosophy and Environmental Studies $2,750 Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress August 12-15, 2021

David Boonin



Colorado Ethics Bowl

2019-20 Grantee Home Department Amount Awarded In Support of Date of event
Carole Newlands Classics $697 Support for Michael Roberts' lecture and related events October 15-18, 2019
Jackie Elliott Classics $760 Support for David Levene's campus lecture and related events September 16, 2019
Janice Ho English $1,500 Support for Prof. Walter Cohen's campus lecture and related events April 20, 2020
Jillian Porter Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures $573 Support for Dr. Deborah Martinsen's campus lecture and related events November 1, 2019
Kathryn Goldfarb Anthropology $1,500 Support for a spring 2020 pedagogy workshop at CU Boulder March 1-April 1, 2020
Lauren Stone Germanic & Slavic Languages & Cultures $500 Support for Critical Theory Speaker Event October 9-12, 2020
Lauri Reitzammer Classics $750 Support for Prof. Jessica Lamont's campus lecture and related events April 9, 2020
Nabil Echchaibi Media Studies $2,000 Support for Dr. Ann Laura Stoler's campus lecture January 8-11, 2020
Peter Hunt Classics $550 Support for Prof. Jessica Lamont's campus lecture and related events December 11-14, 2019
Ramesh Mallipeddi English $1,000

Support for George Bouluokos' campus lecture and related events

November 12, 2019
Robert Rupert Philosophy $1,000 Support for Jennifer Matey's extended visit while she is on sabbatical November 19-31, 2019
Ross Taylor Journalism and College of Media, Communication and Information $1,090 Support film festival entries for "The Hardest Day" canine euthanasia documentary N/A
Sarah James Classics $750 Support for Dr. Sarah Levin-Richardson's campus lecture and related events January 31- February 1, 2020
Fernando Loffredo Art History $750 Support for Prof. Enrico Parlato's lecture: “Venice between East and West: Shaping Pietro Aretino's Controversial Persona” December 5-10, 2019
Michaele Ferguson Political Science $1,025

Support for Sarah Rushing's lecture: Bodies and Politics: How Vulnerability Informs Citizen Subjectivity"

November 13-15, 2019
Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies $4,500 Annual Events Ongoing Support
Zachary Herz Classics $700 Support for Carlos Noreña public lecture on statecraft in classical Rome and Han China February 16-18, 2020
Arne Hoecker Germanic & Slavic $3,000 Symposium on "the return of the real" in contemporary European fiction May 14-17, 2020
Scott Powell Aquinas Institute for Catholic Thought $2,000 Annual Aquinas Institute for Catholic Thought “Great Debate”, this year asking the question, “What is ‘Personhood’ in the Age of Artificial Intelligence?” January 31, 2020
Penelope Kelsey English $2,243 Bringing Native American filmmaker Terry Jones to CU to screen his film February-March 2020
Robert Rupert Philosophy $400 Support campus visit by Eric Schwitzgebel March 12-14, 2020
Carole Newlands Classics $700 Support lecture by Celia Schultz ""Fulvia and the Perugian War" March 4-6, 2020
Celine Dauverd History $1,686 Support to bring Professor Alejandra Osorio on campus for lecture January 14-15, 2020
Fernando Loffredo Art History $975

Support for author and Professor Katharina Piechoki and related events

March 16, 2020
Graham Oddie Philosophy $1,000

A two-day workshop/ conference on the value of reason, both theoretical reason and practical reason

March 14-15, 2020
Suzanne Magnanini French and Italian $1,526

Support for Professor Guido Ruggiero from the University of Chicago to present and meet with students


2018-19 Grantee Home Department Amount Awarded In Support of Date of event
Núria Silleras-Fernández Spanish and Portuguese $1,000 Support for Prof Sol Miguel-Prendes' lecture and related events October 17, 2018
Atreyee Bhattacharya Environmental Studies $1,000 Support for GEA Symposium N/A
Jerry K. Jacka Anthropology $1,500 Support for Dr. Sarah Vaughn's campus lecture and related events September 28, 2018
David Shneer Religious Studies $800 Support for Dr. Kecia Ali's campus lecture and related events September 13, 2018
Jackie Elliott Classics $1,000 Support for campus visit of John Marincola Spring 2019
Sue Zemka English $1,000 Support for the visit of Colin Dayan October 12, 2018
Hope Clark Saska CU Art Museum $1,000 Support for William Fox's campus lecture and related events February 8, 2019
N/A Mediterranean Studies $5,000 Support for annual department Event N/A
David Shneer Religious Studies $3,000 Archive Transformed Collaborative Residency (AT) May 1, 2019
Mark Leiderman Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures $900

Support for Stanislav Lvovsky lecture on contemporary Russian poetry

February 17-20, 2019
Scott Powell Aquinas Institute $1,000 Annual Great Debate Event February 8, 2019
Carole Newlands N/A $750 Support for visit of Emily Gowers February 25, 2019
Cheryl Higashida English $3,000 Support for lecture: "Development and Underdevelopment in the Global South: Histories, Forms, Alternatives." April 5, 2019
Lauren Stone Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures $400 Support for Critical Theory Event February 20-22, 2019
Isabel Koster Classics $700

Support for Andrew Riggsby lecture "The Gender of Roman Banking"

April 1, 2019
Tamara Meneghini Theatre & Dance $2,500 Support for Galt MacDermot Celebration, "Let the Sunshine In" April 19-20, 2019
Celine Dauverd History $1,500 Support for Pierre Savy's Visit April 29, 2019
David Boonin Philosophy $950 2019-20 Ethics Bowl N/A
Taylor Jaworski Economics $1,000 VSCTP Event N/A
Mi-Kyoung Lee Philosophy $400 Support for a Visit from Rachel Barney N/A