Technical Electives

A technical elective is generally a course in math, engineering, or science at the 3000-level or above. These classes are select 3000, 4000 and 5000-level math, science and engineering courses (with the exception of CSCI, ECEN, and PHYS where certain 2000-level courses are also accepted).

Any ASEN course at the 4000 level or above that is not a required course can be used as a Technical Elective.

Independent study is acceptable for up to 6 credit hours of technical elective credit.


  • A class can be applied toward one requirement in your major only. For example, if a class is approved as both a Humanities & Social Sciences elective and a Technical Elective, it can only count toward one requirement, not both.

Approved Technical Electives

All courses below are approved as professional area electives for Aerospace Engineering Sciences majors. Where course options are listed as "3000+", all courses within that prefix, including 3000 and higher, are approved as general technical electives. Please note that courses numbered 5000 or higher are considered graduate-level courses, but can also apply. Additionally, students are required to meet all pre-requisites or co-requisites for course enrollment.

  • Air Force Aerospace Studies - ROTC: AIRR 3010
  • Applied Math: APPM 3000+
  • Architectural Engineering: AREN 3000+
  • Aerospace Engineering: ASEN 4000+ (Excluding required ASEN courses)
  • Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences: ASTR 3000+
  • ATLAS: ATLS 3000+
  • Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences: ATOC 3000+
  • Biomedical Engineering: BMEN 3000+
  • Business Minor: BUSM 3020, 3021
  • Chemistry: CHEM 3000+
  • Chemical Engineering: CHEN 3000+
  • Computer Science: CSCI2270, 2275, 2400, 2824, 3000+
  • Civil Engineering: CVEN 3000+
  • Technology, Cybersecurity & Policy: CYBR 3000+
  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: EBIO 3000+
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering: ECEN 2250, 2260, 2270, 2350, 2370, 2410, 2420, 2703, 3000+
  • Engineering Management: EMEN 3000+
  • Environmental Engineering: EVEN 3000+
  • General Engineering: GEEN 3400
  • Geography: GEOG 3023, 3053, 3601, 4023, 4043, 4093, 4103, 4201, 4203, 4303, 4403, 4463, 4503, 4563, 4603
  • Geology: GEOL 3000+
  • Information Science: INFO 3401,3402, 4602, 4604, 4513, 4652
  • Integrative Physiology: IPHY 3000+
  • Mathematics: MATH 3000+
  • Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology: MCDB 3000+
  • Mechanical Engineering: MCEN 3000+
  • Military Science: MILR 3052,3062
  • Naval Science: NAVR 3030, 3040
  • Physics: PHYS 2130, 2150, 2170, 2210, 3000+
  • Statistics: STAT 3000+