Doctoral Practicum Completion Form

Please complete this form to submit your Doctoral Practicum acknowledgement letter. The one page letter cannot be written by you or your faculty advisor.

Examples of acceptable DP acknowledgement letters include:

  • Teaching related activities - letter from the instructor of record summarizing the performance of the student, or from a student in the class stating the personal impact of the DP student’s work.
  • MS applicant review committee – letter from the Focus Area Lead summarizing the performance and participation of the student.
  • Mentoring - a letter from the student(s) mentored, describing the activities and support provided by the PhD student mentor.Ìý
  • Outreach activities - letter from outreach advisor or from one from a participant describing the value of the activities and role of the PhD student.Ìý
  • Internship/entrepreneurship activities - letter from supervisor or client describing the contributions of the PhD student.

Please Complete the Following Information:

Indicates required field

Student Information:

Faculty Advisor Information:

Focus Area Lead Information:

Associate Chair for Graduate Studies Information: