New CU-Boulder Study Indicates an Ancient Ocean May Have Covered One-Third of Mars

June 13, 2010

A vast ocean likely covered one-third of the surface of Mars some 3.5 billion years ago, according to a new study conducted by University of Colorado at Boulder scientists.

Early Earth Haze Likely Provided Ultraviolet Shield for Planet, Says New CU-Boulder Study

June 3, 2010

A new study shows a thick organic haze that enshrouded early Earth several billion years ago may have been similar to the haze now hovering above Saturn's largest moon, Titan, and would have protected primordial life on the planet from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.

New Hammerhead Study Shows Cascade of Evolution Affected Size, Head Shape

May 18, 2010

The ancestor of all hammerhead sharks probably appeared abruptly in Earth's oceans about 20 million years ago and was as big as some contemporary hammerheads, according to a new study led by the University of Colorado at Boulder.

CU Engineers Make First 'Supercell' Storm Intercept With Unmanned Aircraft System

May 12, 2010

Faculty and students from the University of Colorado at Boulder's Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles teamed with researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the first interception of a "supercell" thunderstorm by an unmanned aircraft system on May 6.

Three Payloads Built By CU-Boulder Set For Launch On Space Shuttle Atlantis

May 11, 2010

NASA's space shuttle Atlantis will make its final flight May 14 carrying three University of Colorado at Boulder-built biomedical payload devices, including one to help scientists understand how and why slimy and troublesome clumps of microorganisms flourish in the low-gravity conditions of space.

New Inhalable Measles Vaccine May Lead to Vaccines for Other Diseases

May 5, 2010

A team of researchers led by the University of Colorado at Boulder believe a dry powder, inhalable vaccine developed for measles prevention and slated for human clinical trials later this year in India will lead to other inhalable, inexpensive vaccines for illnesses ranging from tuberculosis to cervical cancer.

CU Student Kevin Fiedler Wins National Goldwater Scholarship

May 3, 2010

Kevin Fiedler, a junior at the University of Colorado at Boulder majoring in engineering physics, has been named a 2010 Goldwater Scholar, the premier national undergraduate award recognizing outstanding students in math, science and engineering.

CU-Boulder Sources on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

April 30, 2010

Jeff Mitton, professor and chair of CU-Boulder's ecology and evolutionary biology department, is available to talk about the repercussions of oil spills. Mitton was on sabbatical in 1979-1980 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., where he studied a 1969 oil spill that seeped into the Sippewissett Marsh.

CU-Boulder Receives $15 Million Stimulus Award for Biotechnology Building Construction

April 27, 2010

The University of Colorado at Boulder has received a $15 million grant through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to be used toward the ongoing construction of a revolutionary biotechnology and biomedical research facility where faculty and students will tackle a variety of human health challenges.

Materialistic People are Liked Less Than 'Experiential' People, Says University of Colorado Professor

April 14, 2010

People who pursue happiness through material possessions are liked less by their peers than people who pursue happiness through life experiences, according to a new study led by University of Colorado at Boulder psychology Professor Leaf Van Boven.
