Mushroom cloud expands over ocean

Scientists explore how to protect fisheries, food supply in event of nuclear war

Nov. 9, 2020

Well-managed, healthy fisheries could serve as an important source of food for people around the world in the event of a nuclear catastrophe, a new study finds.

An "electronic skin" device bends in a curve.

'Electronic skin' promises cheap and recyclable alternative to wearable devices

Nov. 6, 2020

Electronic skin has long been a staple of science fiction, from "The Terminator" to "Star Trek." A team at CU Boulder is working to make it a reality.

Poll workers. (Photo by Glenn Asakawa/University of Colorado)

A national nail-biter and a Colorado ‘blue wave’—political scientists weigh in on 2020 election

Nov. 4, 2020

With results still being counted, threats of lawsuits and some suggesting it could be days or even weeks before the presidential race is resolved, election night was far from decisive. But a few things did emerge as certain.

Breast cancer cells as seen under a microscope.

New insights on a common protein could lead to novel cancer treatments

Nov. 4, 2020

Findings could lead to new therapies for hard-to-treat cancers and even neurological diseases and rare developmental disorders.

Armando Silva painting on a canvas

Graduate students interview community-engaged artists

Nov. 3, 2020

Discover how local artists address inclusivity and equity through interviews conducted by the CU Boulder Office for Outreach and Engagement's arts and humanities graduate student scholars.

Students part of new Growing Up Boulder effort

The great outdoors: COVID-19-compatible learning experiences for all

Nov. 3, 2020

The pandemic poses new opportunities for healthier learning: moving school classrooms to the great outdoors.

A roll of voting stickers next to a sign reading "voting day"

Election Day math: New study probes how people make decisions

Oct. 29, 2020

Social groups with a mix of hasty and more deliberate decision-makers may have the best chance of making the right choices, according to new mathematical research.

Blake Leeper

Court ruling barring ‘blade runner’ from Olympics is scientifically unfounded, studies suggest

Oct. 28, 2020

The highest court in sports ruled that Blake Leeper cannot compete in the Olympic Games in Tokyo because his prostheses give him a competitive advantage. CU Boulder studies suggest otherwise, and the researchers who conducted those studies say the ruling is discriminatory.

A person using a phone

Consumers’ Instagram posts provide powerful insight for brands

Oct. 28, 2020

A new study reveals that images consumers create and share in social media offer businesses real-time insights into the uses, feelings and experiences of their brands.

Map of the Arctic

Where’s the sea ice? 3 reasons the Arctic freeze is unseasonably late and why it matters

Oct. 28, 2020

The pattern of autumn sea ice growth has been completely disrupted. The Director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center Mark Serreze explains what's happening on The Conversation.
