Published: Oct. 9, 2017 By
Bud Coleman next to step into leading role of commencement marshal

Announced today, Bud Coleman will become the new marshalā€”a role he likens, tongue-in-cheek, to being a waiter.

ā€œThe chancellor confers the degrees, my duty is to keep the courses moving and make sure we get to dessert,ā€ says the theater professor and , a 24-year veteran among the CU Boulder faculty.

More seriously, he feels a sense of humility and reverence heading into the Ģżon May 10, 2018, when, like a baton, heā€™ll first take the carried previously for many years by retired University Libraries Dean James Williams.

ā€œTo use a theater metaphor, Iā€™m not going to replace the star,ā€ says Coleman, who for 14 years was the chair of the Department of Theatre & Dance. ā€œIā€™m just the next person in the role, because I cannot replace Jim Williams. Iā€™m so, so honored to step into this position.ā€

Itā€™s a mantle that will come naturally to the one-time ballet dancer, director and choreographer of prominent plays and musicals, wardrobe supervisor and moreā€”a self-described fan of ritual.

ā€œThe pageantry, scripting and costuming of rituals appeals to me because I see myself as a director and choreographer in a place of creating community and telling stories, so commencement, one of our grandest traditions on campus, has great value for me,ā€ he says, having led about 28 smaller departmental commencements in past years as chair.

The Norlin Charge

Weā€™re saying as a community, both as a university and a family, ā€˜We support you. Weā€™re celebrating what you have done and weā€™re here to support you as you start this new chapter in your life.ā€™ā€

Not only is commencement a ritual, but it also is a rite with a powerful and lasting message, according to Coleman. The word commencement can seem contradictoryā€”meaning a beginningā€”just as students are finishing their careers on campus, but in fact thereā€™s a perfect dichotomy in the definition.

ā€œI love that itā€™s called commencement because itā€™s not only about celebrating what has happened to our students, but itā€™s also celebrating what is going to happen as alums,ā€ says Coleman. ā€œWeā€™re saying as a community, both as a university and a family, ā€˜We support you. Weā€™re celebrating what you have done and weā€™re here to support you as you start this new chapter in your life.ā€™ā€

Itā€™s exactly the sentiment of the Norlin Charge, a commencement custom that Coleman exclaims is one of the most brilliant things ever written. He says itā€™s inspirational as it reminds graduating students that CU Boulder will be with them wherever they go.

ā€œItā€™s saying weā€™re proud of you and as you go through your life, whatever the future holds, you will always be part of the University of Colorado Boulder family. What a great message!ā€

Movement and continuum

The Norlin Charge is a message of not only pride, family and belonging, but also of movement and continuumā€”notions Coleman embodies through the performing arts, his involvement on campus and his CU Boulder career.

Thereā€™s a kind of a continuum in his participation as a speaker at the campusā€™s Be Boulder for a Day program for students awaiting admission and at student convocation each year, welcoming new students to the academic fellowshipā€”students heā€™ll now eventually see at commencement.

Thereā€™s also his progression into the , the first endowed chair in an arts discipline in the College of Arts and Sciences, established in 2012. Green herself stipulated she wanted to see Coleman the inaugural chair-holder.

Coleman speaks of his appointment to the position as one of his greatest honors and something that props up his drive and dedication.

ā€œHer faith and trust in me and the campus keeps me moving every day,ā€ he says of Green.

No doubt Coleman will carry these values forward, playing the leading role as CU Boulder commencement marshal.