Published: Dec. 1, 2016

CU Boulder Residence Life is looking for the next generation of leaders to build community and help first-year students transition to college life. We’re looking for Buffs whoĚýaren’t afraid of a challenge, and want to gain skills that will be vital no matter what career they choose in the future.

If you are interested in learning how to become an effective leader, build a strong community and be a mentor to your fellow students, then we want you to apply. Our resident advisors meet with students one on one to help them strategize their academic and personal needs, whether it’s deciding on a major, finding a club or activity to join, or working through a conflict with a roommate.

As an RA, you have the opportunity to build personal connections with first-year students, help them navigate the transition to college life and find a community on campus. RAs are one of the first peopleĚýstudents meet in their first year on campus, and have the potential to greatly impact those students in finding their place at CU.

Our application is open now, through Jan.Ěý18, 2017. To be eligible, students must have completed two full-time semesters at the collegiate level, and lived in our residence halls for at least one semester. For more information on qualifications, a full job description and to apply, visit our .

Thoughts from CU Boulder resident advisors:

  • “Working on how to talk to people from different backgrounds from all over the world, and making them feel comfortable and welcome, I think that’s a skill that you can apply anywhere.” Bethany
  • “Everyone needs something as they are transitioning through life, and so I think that being an RA has helped me assess people’s needs and then figure out how to meet them.” Keturah
  • “I wanted to become and RA because I saw how much community was built my freshman year, and I saw how much the RAs cared and how much they interacted with the freshmen, and I wanted to do that.” Mallory
  • “I’ve seen how much I’ve grown as an RA, and I know that using these new skills towards a new career would benefit me.” Tyler F
  • “I’ve learned how to be a better person, and actually listen to someone and hear their story and connect with them, and I will forever remember that.” Mallory
  • “Res Life really values diversity and inclusion, and I think those are skills that, if you’re passionate about them, you’ll find a great place in Res Life.”Ěý Tyler F
  • “I’ve always enjoyed leadership positions, but I knew that this one would be different, that this would be more personal. And I really wanted that, I wanted to be able to help people find their way their first year at CU.” Keturah
  • “Residence life is really flexible with us, they understand that we are students as well as RAs, so it’s just a really great opportunity to be a working student.” Tyler F
  • “I wanted to be an RA, because I saw the impact that my RA had on me, he was really the first friend I made, and that was a really positive experience.” Tyler S
Resident Advisor