
Bertha Alicia Bermúdez Tapia successfully defended her dissertation proposal

Oct. 30, 2020

Bertha Alicia Bermúdez Tapia successfully defended her dissertation proposal: "Violence, restriction of asylum, and deportation: "Two immigration policies designed to deter movement at the U.S.-Mexico border." Congrats Bertha!


New publication for Josh Goode, Ade Modile, and Stef Mollborn

Oct. 28, 2020

Mollborn, Stefanie, Paula Fomby, Joshua A. Goode, and Adenife Modile. Published online ahead of print. “A Life Course Framework for Understanding Digital Technology Use in the Transition to Adulthood.” Advances in Life Course Research .


Lori Peek, The Time is Now

Oct. 23, 2020

Statement on being displaced by the CalWood fire, preparedness and next steps to get ready for disaster.


Grad student, Jocelyn West, book review accepted for publication

Oct. 22, 2020

Jocelyn West's book review of Governing Affect: Neoliberalism and Disaster Reconstruction by Roberto Barrios has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters. The review was first written as part of David Cook-Martín's course Logics of Qualitative Inquiry, and submitted for publication thanks to guidance...


CU Boulder senior science editor Lisa Marshall won a prestigious writing award from the National Association of Science Writers

Oct. 21, 2020

CU Boulder senior science editor Lisa Marshall won a prestigious writing award from the National Association of Science Writers. Lisa writes for the College of Arts & Sciences and other units on campus, and has written several research stories featuring the books and other publications of our Sociology faculty and...


Grad student, Jessica Austin, Third Year Paper accepted for publication

Oct. 20, 2020

Congratulations to Jessica Austin , whose Third Year Paper, entitled “I Suppose I’ll Be Patching You Up, As Usual”: Women’s Roles and Normative Femininity in a Team-based Video Game,” was accepted for publication in New Media and Society.


Check out our Virtual Welcome Event for info on the SOCY major

Oct. 20, 2020

Information on requirements for the major and minor, advising, study abroad, honors, internships and certificates.


Rachel Rinaldo and Ian Whalen published on the Gender & Society blog

Oct. 16, 2020

Rachel Rinaldo and Ian Whalen published a post based on their recent research on gender, families, and the COVID-19 pandemic on the Gender & Society blog.


Stefanie Mollborn presented remotely at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Oct. 15, 2020

Stefanie Mollborn presented “Social Norms, Health Lifestyles, Technology Use, and COVID-19” at the Learning Initiative on Norms, Exploitation, and Abuse (LINEA) biennial meeting, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

Ryan Masters

Ryan Master's article published in PLoS ONE

Oct. 9, 2020

Ryan Masters's article (with Dan Powers, UT-Austin), "Clarifying Assumptions in Age-Period-Cohort Analyses and Validating Results", was published in PLoS ONE.
