You Must Be Joking - Eric Seitz

Music (Concept Album)
25:57Ìý// 5 songs // 448MB (+248MB including album art and posters)

This 30 minute album transforms the ramblings of a machine learning algorithm into a coherent musical narrative reflecting on consciousness and identity in the digital age.


You Must Be Joking

You Must Be Joking is a five song concept album, the lyrics of which were written by a text generation algorithm. The algorithm was prompted with short pieces of sentences to start each song, which allowed the artist to steer it in the direction of a central theme– what does it mean to understand ourselves, and how do we gather the will to try? The music itself was entirely composed, performed, mixed, and mastered by Eric Seitz, who aimed to complement the bizarre nature of the computer’s journey towards consciousness. Through the use of a wide array of tones, textures, and musical styles, You Must Be Joking will take you on a journey over peaks of profound and surprising insight, and valleys of absolute absurdity.
