Say it. - Allyson Andrews

27 pages

This project is about gaining an understanding of a person beyond the screen. It’s about relating to what makes someone who they are based on impactful events from their childhood. There are four protagonists, each of which has its own section.

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When you see a portrait of someone, you long to know their backstory. Who they are, what they are like, and if you connect as humans. In my project, I am going beyond the portrait. You will be able to get an inside look into what makes the subjects who they are. One portrait that portrays them as I see them: through the creator’s lens. Also, each person has handwriting included, an audio description of memory from their childhood that made them who they are today, and a collage of artwork that I made that represents what the photos and memories are like. Next, you will listen to their voice and their memory, hopefully connecting to what they say. Through the course of this, your emotions should deepen beyond the surface level and gain an understanding of who this person is that you are looking at.

Artist Talk