On My Own - Matthew Fishbein


On My Own is the story of a 10-year-old boy, forced to flee on his own and navigate central Eastern Europe under the threat of Nazi invasion.

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On My Own

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On My Own, is an auditory narrative that details the experience of Abraham, a 10-year-old Polish Jew fleeing the Nazis after the initial Invasion of Poland. This story paints a bleak picture of the circumstances Jews endured during World War II, specifically highlighting the sacrifices Jews needed to make during the Holocaust to survive. Abrahams's story is one of bravery where he takes chances hoping that his luck and innocence will guide him to safety. However, his story is not only one of courage; it is also one of tragedy, highlighting that Jews who were able to escape lost everything in the process. This narrative is accompanied by an auditory soundscape that places the audience in Abraham's shoes to exhibit the experiences of one Holocaust survivor while simultaneously transporting the audience into the early stages of the worst global conflict in human history.