More Than We Bargained For - Sidney Yarnall


More Than We Bargained For


For this project, Sidney decided to step out of her comfort zone and create her first fictional short film showcasing her passion for the outdoors and her friendships in college. This comedic mockumentary is based on truth and features a cast of her friends: Emma Byrd, Hayley Johnson, Lauren Kamm, Logan Harris, Chris Kelly, and Josh Pettine. Each character was given a certain persona to lean into with characteristics that dramatically reflect their true personality. Sidney then combined many true and fictional events to create a story of a disorderly camping trip. She collaborated with Lauren Kamm and Bella Riccioli to create the plot line and gained some help shooting the camping scenes from Cam Duncan and Zach Bakken. During the production process, she experimented with different shooting angles and editing styles to create a film filled with creative variety.


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