From Me, To Me: A Mixtape - Emma Harris


This short coming-of-age film reimagines key defining moments of the director’s past, present, and future, through a glimpse of important take-aways and reminders of those experiences, illuminated by the music that has and will make those moments more lighthearted.

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From Me, To Me- A Mixtape

This short coming of age, music video style film explores my past experiences to give advice to my younger self. Specifically, the storyline of this film will be me “giving myself a mixtape” of songs to listen to through the ups and downs of life and personal experiences I’ve already gone through and will potentially go through – all narrated by me. Through a whimsical, reflective, yet alive tone, it explores questions of one's internal past, present and future to help one feel better equipped to face challenges and enjoy the mundane – all accompanied by one of the simplest pleasures, music.