Demo_01 - Ian Tompkins

Digital Sound (Music) / Video
5 songs, 13 minutes

This project is an EP consisting of 3 songs that I created, surrounding the theme of growth as an artist. The EP is structured so that a concise sonic narrative is presented through the arrangement of these songs and their sonic material.


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I struggled to find a theme to center my capstone around at the beginning of this semester. Eventually, I realized that my identity as a musician is built from my foundations as a pianist. From here, I decided that this project would be a four-song EP that tells a narrative of personal growth. At the beginning of the EP, there is a short, ethereal intro. This is followed by the first track, which is very upbeat and optimistic, representing my excitement in discovering music production for the first time. The second track is much slower and features many pianos, symbolizing my early foret into electronic music while still holding onto my roots as a pianist. The third track represents my immersion into electronic music, featuring more complex production techniques and rhythms. The last track is an abridged recording of me experimenting on my parent’s piano, which indicates my rediscovery of my roots.