Spring 2023

​Below you will find all the events that will be happening during the Springsemester of 2023:

General Volunteer Training

  • 4/24/23 or 4/25/23

  • 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

  • JSCBB A104 (followed by Tie-Dye on the Western Terrace)

This training will cover general teaching tips as well as serve as a demo for the lesson plan. All volunteers (general and lead) signed up for fall 2023 semester are required to attend in order to participate in the program. Following the one hour training, volunteers will be able to tie-dye their very own FREE S.C.O.P.E. T-SHIRT! There will be plenty of colors, food, and fun! Volunteers have the option to attend either training day. If these times conflict with your schedule, be sure to reach out to scope@colorado.edu to work out another alternative.

Volunteer Lead Training

  • 4/26/23

  • 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

  • JSCBB C319

In addition to the general volunteer training, people interested in being a volunteer lead must also attend a one hour volunteer lead training. This training will give the volunteer leads the resources to "run the classroom" and keep everything flowing smoothly. Leads will give a brief introduction in the beginning of the class, help volunteers through activities, and provide a summary at the end. Anyone can be a lead if interested, but it is a requirement to attend the lead training session. See the for more details. If these times conflict with your schedule, be sure to reach out to scope@colorado.edu to work out another alternative.

Spring “4-day Outreach”

  • Every Monday in May 2023

  • 05/01/23, 05/08/23, 05/15/23, 05/22/23

The Spring 2023 program consists of four hands-on experimental days at Timberline PK-8 (a 30 min drive from CU Boulder). Once a week, volunteers will go to the classroom and work with a group of four 6th-grade students to explore the ‘S.C.O.P.E.’ of the world from small to big. The first day will consist of chemistry, the second day progresses to biology, the third day explores microbiology, and the fourth day looks at cellular biology. Read more about our curriculum on our tab. Volunteers are asked to sign up for either the first two lessons, the last two lessons, or both. Volunteers can also indicate how many class periods they would like to participate in, we will do our best to accomodate. S.C.O.P.E. will assign carpooling for the event and will reimburse for driving expenses!