Holly Barnard headshot
Colorado Art Science Environment Fellow 2022-23
CASE Scientist Geography and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

The ultimate goal of Holly Barnard's research is to improve our knowledge of how changes in climate and land-use will affect forest ecosystems and water resources. She investigates how forest processes affect water flow dynamics and pathways in soil and streams, and conversely, how water flow paths affect ecological function in mountainous areas. This bridging of hydrology and ecosystem science is key to developing sustainable management of water resources. All of her research involves a combination of field experimentation, field observations and laboratory analysis, and is fundamentally interdisciplinary and collaborative. Over her career, Dr. Barnard has collaborated with dozens of excellent scientists from a variety of disciplines to conduct research projects that have achieved far more than any of us could have on our own. These collaborations include engagement with scientists in her department and research institute, as well as with federal scientists and colleagues at other academic institutions.