Staci Van Norman
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Atomic Layer Deposition


  • Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder (2015)
  • B.S., Chemical Engineering, Oregon State University (2009)

Staci received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 2009 from Oregon State University where she managed Dr. Skip Rochefort’s Polymer Research Lab for two years and was a Johnson Scholar. She is an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Tau Beta Pi member and a co-inventor on US patent 8,329,291“Multi-Layered Patch System and Method” a technology for patching natural gas pipelines. Her current research is on an ARPAe-DOE project for Low Cost Microtubular ALD-based Reactor Systems for Catalytic Reforming for conversion of flared natural gas to valuable liquid fuels. This technology usesin-situatomic layer deposition to fabricate the interior structure of a catalytic microtube. Outside of her sustainable energyresearch, Staci teaches group fitness classes for the CU Rec Center and Lakeshore Athletic Club and enjoys the active outdoor lifestyle of Colorado.