chickadee livestream

Black-capped chickadee livestream!

May 23, 2023

The 5th season of the Boulder Chickadee Study is in full swing with many chickadees raising young in Boulder and eggs about to hatch the higher elevation sites! One of our landowners has set up a livestream on the black-capped chickadee nest on their property. You can view it here:...


The Great Taylor Lab Bakeoff returns!

May 10, 2023

The Great Taylor Lab Bakeoff returned to mark the end of the Spring 2023 semester and the end of the first academic year for Sara, Nikki, and Ajay! Although Scott's muffins were described as "tasting like playdough" the entries were generally delicious! Our judging panel was expanded this year to...

Olivia speaking at the EBIO Club symposium

Olivia defended her honors thesis and gave a talk at the EBIO Club Student Symposium

April 15, 2023

Congratulations to Olivia who recently defended her honors thesis! For her honors thesis Olivia studied the songs of black-capped and mountain chickadees in regions where they both occur (Boulder County, Colorado) compared to regions where they do not overlap. She found that mountain chickadees sound more different from black-capped chickadees...

CFO logo

Haley and Sara are awarded CFO Research Grants

April 10, 2023

Congrats to Haley and Sara who were recently awarded research grants from the Colorado Field Ornithologists! Haley will be using this funding to study the influence of color pattern differences between black-capped and mountain chickadees on aggressive interactions between them, while Sara will be using the funding to study differences...

Crump fellowship

Sara Padula is awarded the Sarah Crump Memorial Fellowship

April 10, 2023

Congratulartions to PhD student Sara Padula who is the first ever recipient of the Sarah Crump Memorial Fellowship. The fellowship was created by the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) and Sarah Crump’s family in honor of Sarah Crump (pictured here), who received her PhD from INSTAAR at the...

DFO logo

Haley and Ajay awarded DFO grants!

March 8, 2023

Congratulations to Haley and Ajay who have been awarded Research, Education & Conservation grants from the Denver Field Ornithologists! Ajay will be using his award to further investigate the geographic consistency of the genetic basis of spatial cognition in mountain chickadee populations of the Colorado Rocky Mountains and the California...


Sara and Nikki receive OSMP Grant!

March 6, 2023

Congratulations to first year PhD students Sara Padula and Nikki Addison for being awarded a $10,000 grant from Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) to conduct a passive recording field study. The project is entitled "The effect of anthropogenic noise on songbirds on OSMP land." Field work for the...


Congratulations Mia!

Jan. 28, 2023

Congratulations to Mia who recently completed her Master's degree. Mia joined the lab in 2020 and was an integral member of the Boulder Chickadee Study over the last three years. During that time she banded over 250 chickadees and shared her knowledge of birds with numerous members of the public,...

Jay in the field

Welcome Dr. Jay Falk

Jan. 18, 2023

The Taylor Lab welcomes Dr. Jay Falk, an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow joining the lab this month. Jay studies the evolution of sex differences and similarities, and is broadly interested in how social interaction leads to biodiversity both within and across species. With hummingbirds as a model taxa, Jay uses an...

parasites and vectors logo

Angela publishes in Parasites and Vectors

Jan. 16, 2023

Congrats to Angela and Colleagues for their article recently accepted to the journal Parasites and Vectors . The article titled “Survey of Haemosporidian Parasite Infections in an Endangered High Alpine Bird,” is an exploration of haemosporidian parasites that infect Brown-capped Rosy Finches. The Brown-capped Rosy Finch is a nearly endemic...
