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The Research and Innovation Office 2022-2023 highlights feature the Mountain Research Station and Niwot Ridge LTER

Old man on the mountain - a yellow flower in the alpine

The Mountain Research Station and Niwot Ridge LTER were recently highlighted by the Research and Innovation Office in their 2022-2023 highlights! 


Here is an excerpt from the story: Providing educational opportunities in a ‘classroom’ unlike any other is the MRS’ dual mission, according to Taylor. Students can learn about mountain environments with a collection of multi-disciplinary undergraduate and graduate field courses in biology, geography and geology—and with newer courses like art and the environment. “The MRS combines this really amazing research with education that exposes students to how we actually collect data and why long-term projects matter,” said Taylor. 

Learn more about the MRS here > /mrs/

Learn more about the LTER here >