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Angela wins a Fulbright Award for Sweden!

Angela in the field

Congratulations to Angela who just found out that she won a Fulbright Award for Sweden starting this fall! 

Angela will be using her time as a Fulbright recipient to expand on her recent discovery () that the highly invasive SGS1 strain of the avian malaria parasite, Plasmodium relictum, is infecting the chickadees that she has studied for her PhD at CU Boulder. Specifically, she will expand on these findings by using higher resolution genomic data (i.e., analysis of more genes) for SGS1 isolates from throughout the Eastern Hemisphere and SGS1 in the Western Hemisphere. She will investigate where in Europe SGS1 was introduced to Colorado from, how SGS1 may be adapting to this new geographic region with novel hosts, and whether this is the same introduction event that has led to its recent presence in other Western Hemisphere locations.