Jing Wang
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering


Occupant-Centric Modeling and Control For Low-Carbon And Resilient Communities” (2021)

Nominee of 2021College of Engineering & Applied ScienceOutstanding Dissertation Awardby the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (Onenominee per department)

First Job After Graduation

Postdoctoral Researcher at National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL)

Education Background

Jing received her B.E. degree in Built Environment and Equipment Engineering from Tongji University, China in 2013. Afterwards she continued her Master study in both Tongji University and Braunschweig University of Technology to get her double degrees in HVAC Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Her research in Germany focused on the modeling and control of refrigeration systems in the scenario of supermarkets with the object-oriented modeling language Modelica. In May 2017, she became a Ph.D. student in Architectural Engineering in the Sustainable Buildings and Societies Laboratory. In summer 2018, she took an internship at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory where she worked on building reduced-order model development for control deployment and aggregated building load flexibility quantification. Her current research interests are resilient energy systems, building energy system modeling and control, building-to-grid integration. She is a Student Member of ASHRAE and IBPSA.

Research Interests

Energy System Resilience; Building Energy System Modeling and Control; Building-to-Grid Integration

Research Projects

03/2019 - 03/2022: DOE -Support for District Energy Simulation with Modelica(with NREL & LBNL)

05/2019 - 08/2019: DOE -Virtual Electric Power Board (EPB)(with ORNL)

10/2018 - 09/2020: DOE -Comprehensive Pliant Permissive Priority Optimization (with PNNL)

09/2018 - 08/2019:Colorado Energy Research Collaboration -An Innovative Computational Platform for Robust and Optimal Operation of Renewable Energy Cities

01/2017 - 12/2019: NSF -CRISP Type 1/Collaborative Research: A Human-Centered Computational Framework for Urban and Community Design of Resilient Coastal Cities


16.J. Wang, P. Munankarmi, J. Maguire, C. Shi, W. Zuo, D. Roberts, X. Jin2022.“,” Applied Energy, 314, pp. 118910.

15.K. Hinkelman, J. Wang, W. Zuo, A. Gautier, M. Wetter, C. Fan, N. Long. 2022. "" Applied Energy, 311, pp.118654.

14.Y. Lou, Y. Yang, Y. Ye, W. Zuo, J. Wang 2021. “The Effect of Building Retrofit Measures on CO2 Emissions Reduction – A Case Study with U.S. Medium Office Buildings.” Energy and Buildings, 253, pp. 111514.

13.K. Hinkelman, J.Wang, W. Zuo, A. Gautier, M. Wetter, C. Fan, N. Long 2021. "" Applied Energy (under review).

12.K. Hinkelman, J. Wang, C. Fan, W. Zuo, A. Gautier, M. Wetter, N. Long 2021. "" 14th International Modelica Conference, Virtual Conference, September 20-24.

11. J. Wang, P.Munankarmi, J. Maguire, C. Shi, W. Zuo, D. Roberts, X. Jin 2021. "Carbon Emission Responsive Building Control: A Case Study With an All-Electric Residential Community in a Cold Climate." Applied Energy (under review).

10. J.Wang, S. Huang, W. Zuo, D. Vrabie 2021. "Occupant Preference-Aware Load Scheduling for Resilient Communities."Energy & Buildings, 252, pp. 111399.

9. S. Huang, J. Wang, Y. Fu, W. Zuo, K. Hinkelman, R. M. Kaiser, D. He, D. Vrabie 2021. “An Open-source Virtual Testbed for a Real Net-Zero Energy Community”. Sustainable Cities and Society, 75, pp.103255. DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103255.

8. J. Wang, K. Garifi, K. Baker, W. Zuo, Y. Zhang, S. Huang, D. Vrabie 2020. "" Energies,2020,13(21), pp. 5683.DOI:10.3390/en13215683.

7. J. Wang, K. Garifi, K. Baker, W. Zuo, Y. Zhang 2020. "" 2020 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild, Virtual Conference, September 29-October 1.

6. J. Wang, W. Zuo, S. Huang, D. Vrabie 2020. "" American Modelica Conference 2020, Virtual Conference, September 22-24.

5. K. Hinkelman, S. Huang, J. Wang, J. Lian, W. Zuo 2019. "Enhancing the Implementation of a First-order Equivalent Thermal Parameter Model to Enable Accurate and Robust Building Thermal Response Prediction."Proceedings of the 16th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (Building Simulation 2019), September 2-4, Rome, Italy.

4. X. Lu, K. Hinkelman, Y. Fu, J. Wang, W. Zuo, Q. Zhang, W. Saad 2019. "An Open Source Modeling Framework for Interdependent Energy-Transportation-Communication Infrastructure in Smart and Connected Communities."IEEE Access, 7, pp. 55458-55476.DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2913630.

3. J. Wang, W. Zuo, L. R.-B., X. Lu, J. Wang, Y. Lin2019. "Literature Review on Modeling and Simulation of Energy Infrastructures from a Resilience Perspective." Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 183, pp. 360-373.DOI: 4 10.1016/j.ress.2018.11.029.

2. G. Zhou, Y. Ye, J. Wang, W. Zuo, Y. Fu, X. Zhou2018. "Modeling Air-to-Air Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger without Dehumidification." Applied Thermal Engineering, 143, pp. 137-148.DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.09.020.

1.J. Wang, D. Liu, L. Xiang 2015. "."Energy Conservation Technology, 194, pp. 539-545. (in Chinese)