Who Needs to Know What? Institutional Knowledge and International Projects

Javernick-Will, A. and Scott, R. (2010). Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 136 (5), 546-557. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000035

Motivators and Critical Factors for Worksharing in Design and Engineering Networks

Zerjav, V. and Javernick-Will, A. (2009). Specialty Conference on Leadership and Management in Construction. South Lake Tahoe, CA.

Knowledge as a Contingency Variable for Organizing Knowledge Management Solutions

Javernick-Will, A. and Levitt, R. (2009). Specialty Conference on Leadership and Management in Construction. Lake Tahoe, CA.

Organizational Learning during Internationalization: Acquiring Local Institutional Knowledge

Javernick-Will, A. (2009). Construction Management and Economics. 27 (8), 783-797. doi 10.1080/01446190903117801

Mobilizing Institutional Knowledge for International Projects

Javernick-Will, A. and Levitt, R. (2010). Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 136 (4), 430-441. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000110

Acquiring Local Knowledge for International Projects

Javernick-Will, A. and Levitt, R. (2009). Construction Research Congress. Seattle, WA. doi: 10.1061/41020(339)35

Mobilizing Knowledge for International Projects

Javernick-Will, A., Levitt, R., and Scott, R. (2008). Specialty Conference on Leadership and Management in Construction. South Lake Tahoe, CA. Best Paper Award
