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In a in The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Andrew Clinger et al. investigate the effect of different sacrificial electron donors (SED) on N2 reduction in the photocatalytic CdS QD MoFe protein biohybrid system. In this work, the efficiency of ascorbic acid was compared to dithionite, triethanolamine, and hydroquinone across a range of concentrations. It was found that all 3 SEDs supported N2 reduction rates comparable to those observed ascorbic acid but that hydroquinone at a 50 mM concentration was found to support significantly higher rates of N2 reduction compared to the other SEDs. This work reveals the importance of the SED for improving the efficiency of hole-scavenging in the light-driven N2 reduction catalyzed by the CdS QD–MoFe protein biohybrid system.

N2ase April 2024 figure