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Two students examine grafted apple trees in the CU Boulder Greenhouse.

Participate in a historic (and tasty) science project this fall (CU Boulder Today)

Sept. 22, 2021

This weekend, the CU Boulder-based Boulder Apple Tree Project, founded by Katherine Suding in 2017, invites the community to help preserve our local apple tree legacy by locating and collecting data on apple trees in Boulder backyards and on public lands.

Diane McKnight kneeling by a streambed in the sub alpine

Congratulations to the 2021 AGU Union medal, award, and prize recipients (EOS)

Sept. 15, 2021

Diane McKnight is the recipient of the Robert E. Horton Medal, bestowed for outstanding contributions to hydrology

brightly colored coneflower

Plants could be even better at fighting climate change. A garden shows ozone is holding them back (CPR News)

Sept. 15, 2021

Danica Lombardozzi's ozone garden at NCAR documents damage to plants from ozone; hints at carbon absorption possible if ozone precursors are limited.

Bird, bug, and botanical murals on glass outside the SEEC building

NEST mural quest takes public art to new level (CU Boulder Today)

Sept. 9, 2021

Seven science-inspired, larger-than-life artworks are welcoming students, staff and faculty back to campus this fall. They include the drawings of birds, bugs and botanicals that now adorn the glass at the entrance of our Sustainability, Energy and Environment Community (SEEC) building.

Photo of Sam Illingworth

Rare Earth Water (The Poetry of Science)

Sept. 4, 2021

An original poem and science podcast episode of The Poetry of Science, by Sam Illingworth, inspired by Garrett Rue and Diane McKnight's new paper reporting on climate change as a driver of acid rock drainage and rare earth element contamination of the Snake River, Colorado.

Brownish frog in the Amazon rainforest Peru, sitting on a bright green leaf at night

Shoe-leather science helps quadruple protected area in Peruvian Amazon (Mongabay)

Aug. 29, 2021

Rapid biological and social inventories produced by a team from Chicago’s Field Museum were the basis for new areas dedicated to conservation in Peru, a new study shows. In the Amazonian department of Loreto, territory covered under some category of conservation went from 2 million hectares to 8.5 million hectares. The study, which included Bob Stallard as an author, found that advances in protecting Loreto allowed not only the region, but also Peru as a whole, to meet the Aichi Goal of getting 17% of the country’s territory under some category of protection.

Pika watching for danger on a rock.

This adorable rabbit relative sounds an alarm for global warming (National Geographic)

Aug. 27, 2021

Each summer, the volunteer Pika Patrol is roaming the Rockies in service to the tiny, climate-threatened pika. You may need to enter your email address to read the article.

Chickadee on a branch

New grant to study life-and-death trait of chickadees (Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine)

Aug. 24, 2021

CU Boulder and University of Nevada Reno professors win $2.7 million grant from the NSF to study spatial cognition in chickadees. The new grant will allow the researchers to study natural selection on a complex behavioral trait, a difficult task that could potentially expand the ways natural selection is studied broadly, while also shedding light on how it relates to a changing climate.

Windmill on dry grass

A river runs dry: Farms and ranches along Colorado River in jeopardy (The National)

Aug. 2, 2021

A two decade-long drought fueled by climate change has farmers and ranchers worried about their future, reports a National News story that quotes INSTAAR Keith Musselman.

Map of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta

Humans want stable landscapes; but rivers need to move (Univ. of Texas at Austin)

July 23, 2021

River deltas change over time, and the freedom to shift river location is important to maintaining a healthy ecosystem. However, humans are used to the stability of fixed infrastructure, so they struggle dealing with dynamic landforms like river deltas. But rivers changing course and evolving over time is a good sign for the delta and the environment around it. In a new commentary published in Earth’s Future, a national team of experts including Irina Overeem examines the ongoing conflict between stability and sustainability in heavily populated river deltas, such as the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna in India/Bangladesh and Mississippi in the U.S.
