Published: Feb. 11, 2022

Colorful Women Group

Colorful Women is a process/support group for self-identified BIPOC women to connect, dialogue, celebrate and support each other’s whole authentic selves through an intersectional lens.

  • Date(s): Weekly, February 24 - March 31 2022 
  • Time: Noon -1:30pm 

Learn More and Register

New Moms Support Group

Are you a new mother or a mother-to-be? Come join us for a 6-week group, meeting at the lunch hour over Zoom.  We’ll discuss the particular challenges of being a new mother who also has a career.  We’ll share ideas and offer support. Bring your lunches and your babies too! 

  • Date: Tuesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 29 & April 5, 12  
  • Time: Noon - 1:30 p.m. 

Learn More and Register