Sedinam Biassey-Bogart

I am a Geophysics major and Astronomy minor and I transferred to CU Boulder in my sophomore year. Before that I had the privilege of conducting research at my previous institution on the Jordan River in Utah which is where I live. For the project, I sampled segments of the river to test for dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen and temperature.Ìý

Since then I have also had the opportunity to participate in an internship program with the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) and NASA Johnson Space Center. (JSC). ÌýI worked on the distribution and volume of impact melt produced by the Cleopatra impact crater on Maxwell Montes, Venus, and had the privilege of seeing first-hand the work of many scientists at the LPI and NASA JSC.Ìý

Within the field of Geoscience I’m most interested in Planetary Geology and Geophysics. My interests mainly stem from the fascination I’ve always had with outer space and how planetary bodies including the Earth were formed, and I’m hoping to pursue a path in either planetary surface processes or geodynamics.