Cole Akeson Receives UM and German Academic Exchange Service Trans-Atlantic Summer Inst Fellowship

June 1, 2009

Cole Akeson Receives University of Minnesota and German Academic Exchange Service Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute Fellowship in European Studies, ($3,800)

Cole Akeson Receives American Councils Title VIII Language Fellowship

June 1, 2009

Cole Akeson Receives American Councils Title VIII Language Fellowship, Ukrainian ($5,350)

Afton Clarke-Sather wins a Fulbright-Hayes Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Scholarship

April 2, 2009

Only fifty years ago, the geopolitical landscape shifted with the emergence of independent nations and the bipolar struggle for influence in world regions. U.S. leaders were increasingly confronted with the need to understand the Soviet Union, its allies, and the countries of the world in which the Cold War was...

Michelle Olsgard awarded a 2009 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

April 2, 2009

Michelle Olsgard and Natalie Koch, both graduate students in the CU-Boulder Geography department, received an award despite there being only five such fellowships awarded in all of Geography in the US. The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of...

Natalie Koch has been awarded a 2009 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

April 2, 2009

Natalie Koch and Michelle Olsgard, both graduate students in the CU-Boulder Geography department, received an award despite there being only five such fellowships awarded in all of Geography in the US. The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of...

Adam Williams awarded a CARTSS Graduate Fellowship

April 2, 2009

The Center to Advance Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences (CARTSS) supports social science research and teaching initiatives on the CU campus. CARTSS has funded research and teaching in every social science department on campus. See examples of projects receiving CARTSS support at The CARTSS Graduate Student Fellows...

Ted Holland awarded a CARTSS Graduate Fellowship

April 2, 2009

The Center to Advance Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences (CARTSS) supports social science research and teaching initiatives on the CU campus. CARTSS has funded research and teaching in every social science department on campus. See examples of projects receiving CARTSS support at The CARTSS Graduate Student Fellows...

Jennifer Dinaburg wins an NSF IGERT Award and a Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship

April 2, 2009

See U.S. Dept of Education FLAS Fellowship Program for more information.

Afton Clarke-Sather wins Dissertation enhancement Award from the AAG Political Geography Group

April 1, 2009

The PGSG Dissertation Enhancement Award of $800.00 is to be granted annually to a PGSG student member. Interested students should prepare a mini-dissertation proposal for submission to the Dissertation Awards Committee.

Adam Williams Awarded an Adam Kolff Fellowship for Field Research

April 1, 2009

During Summer 2009, I began my pilot field research in Shanghai by exploring potential field sites and visiting departments of geography, sociology, anthropology and civil engineering at Shanghai's Tongi University, Jiaotong University and Shanghai Daxue. I visited scrap yards in Shanghai's Luwan, Jing'an, Hongkou and Xuhui districts, and collected a...
