Chris Sherry

Alumnus and CEO to give keynote at first-ever student-led Leadership Summit

March 13, 2023

Chris Sherry’s dedication to hard work, ethical business practices and leadership led students to invite him back to campus to act as the keynote speaker at the first-ever CU Engineering Student Leadership Summit this weekend.

Scott Diddams in his lab with students

Diddams receives prestigious Mees Medal for ground-breaking optics research that transcends boundaries

March 1, 2023

Professor Scott Diddams has been selected for the 2023 C.E.K. Mees Medal from Optica (formerly OSA) for his pioneering innovations leading to the wide-ranging application of optical frequency combs to ultrafast lasers, optical clocks, spectroscopy, microwave synthesis, and astronomy.

Orit Peleg

Talking with the fireflies: Orit Peleg receives CAREER Award

Feb. 20, 2023

Assistant Professor of computer science Orit Peleg has just received $900,000 over the next five years to learn how fireflies in a swarm synchronize their lighting displays. The funding was provided by a National Science Foundation CAREER award, a highly prestigious early-career grant for junior faculty members.

Ankur Gupta

Ankur Gupta wins NSF CAREER award for improving energy storage and desalination technologies

Jan. 30, 2023

Assistant ChBE Professor Ankur Gupta received a $517,000, 5-year CAREER award to optimize performance of capacitive desalination and supercapacitor technologies. His research for the two disparate processes involves a technical commonality: porous electrodes to maximize performance.

Cardiac bitmap progression images

Research team moves one step closer to printing models of life-like 3D organs

Jan. 27, 2023

A team of University of Colorado researchers has developed a new strategy for transforming medical images, such as CT or MRI scans, into incredibly detailed 3D models on the computer. The advance marks an important step toward printing lifelike representations of human anatomy that medical professionals can squish, poke and prod in the real world.

Justin Pedersen, SPUR summer research program participant

Undergrad works on small satellites through paid summer research program

Jan. 26, 2023

Justin Pedersen, a senior majoring in aerospace engineering, participated in the program in the summer of 2022 through Professor Penny Axelrad’s group. He researched timing systems for small satellites through the program, a topic that is of interest to the private sector, and military and scientific groups working with satellites.


New grasshopper-like material can leap 200 times its own thickness

Jan. 19, 2023

Engineers at CU Boulder have designed a new, rubber-like film that can leap high into the air like a grasshopper—all on its own and without needing outside intervention.

An eye with an overlay of illustrated circuits and computer code

Not-so-private eyes: Eye movements hold clues to how we make decisions

Dec. 13, 2022

The new findings offer researchers a rare opportunity in neuroscience: the chance to observe the inner workings of the human brain from the outside. Doctors could also potentially use the results to, one day, screen their patients for illnesses like depression or Parkinson’s Disease.

owerful green laser helps visualize the aerosol plumes from a toilet when it’s being flushed.

CU scientists shine a light on what comes up when you flush

Dec. 8, 2022

Using bright green lasers and camera equipment, a team of CU Boulder engineers ran an experiment to reveal how tiny water droplets, invisible to the naked eye, are rapidly ejected into the air when a lid-less, public restroom toilet is flushed.

Emma Andreasen in a rugby shirt

Emma Andreasen: The road to Outstanding Undergraduate

Dec. 2, 2022

While growing up in a small rural town, Emma Andreasen wasn’t exposed to computing. Today she's a teaching assistant for an Intro to Engineering Computing course and recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Undergraduate of the College Award.
