Published: March 17, 2023 By

We have reached our March 17 milestone to provide initial feedback on the vision and becoming statements. Thank you to our engineering community for the collaborative and thoughtful feedback that was received thus far. Your responses are shaping our shared vision and strategic direction for the college.

Thank you also for sharing your unit-specific strategy statements in the areas of Research and Innovation, Education, and Inclusion. Committees and councils from the college will be harmonizing the strategy statements and seeking another round of input from the units.

Here is a summary of our next steps to complete our college strategic plan this spring.

Vision (who we want to become)

  • CEAS committees and councils will finalize vision and becoming statements from the community feedback that we have received.

Strategy Statements (how we will get there)

  • CEAS committees and councils will start the process of harmonizing the strategy statements received from the units through the beginning of April.
  • The Engineering Advisory Council (EAC) will review the draft strategic plan on April 14 in conjunction with the spring EAC meeting.
  • Opportunities to provide feedback on the strategy statements will be provided to all CEAS community members through the strategic planning web page and through our various committees and councils at the end of April/beginning of May.
  • We plan to have a fully reviewed strategic plan at the end of this spring semester.

As the college-wide strategic planning process works to completion, units will continue to draft their unit-specific strategic plans. The college will continue to support the units and help to ensure that our processes strategic plans align. If you have any questions regarding the unit-specific strategic planning process, please contact your unit's Admin Council representative.

As we move through the process of finalizing the college-wide strategic plan, we will continue to seek the support and engagement of the CU Engineering community. If you have any questions or would like to provide additional feedback, please use the strategic planning feedback forms.