Michael Breed earns "Outstanding Academic Title" recognition from Choice Magazine

Dec. 20, 2011

In each January issue, Choice Magazine publishes a list of the Outstanding Academic Titles of 2011 , a list EBIO Professor Michael Breed found himself on for his work editing the Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior . Breed worked alongside Janice Moore to edit the work, which has over 300 entries...

Pieter Johnson scores another NSF CAREER award for EBIO

Nov. 30, 2011

CU EBIO Assistant Professor Pieter Johnson was just announced as another NSF CAREER award recipient. Johnson's award marks the second NSF CAREER award for EBIO faculty this year. The $700,000 award spans for five years and will be applied to understanding how community diversity affects disease. Johnson currently researches disease...

Great news for Nichole Barger - Funding from NASA/USDA to study carbon management

Nov. 29, 2011

Nichole Barger , and Co PIs Jason Neff, Lisa Dilling, and Jana Milford have been awarded $570 from NASA/USDA for their grant entitled: Carbon management on public lands in the Intermountain West: Multi-scale analysis of carbon stock response to human and natural disturbances. They will develop an integrated multi-scale approach...

Rebecca Safran to receive an NSF CAREER award

Nov. 29, 2011

EBIO Assistant Professor Rebecca Safran has just received one of the National Science Foundation' s top awards from the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program. The CAREER award is given to junior faculty members who have strengths as both teachers and scholars. Safran will use the $850,000 award to collect...

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for Miranda Redmond

Nov. 28, 2011

Miranda Redmond, currently a Ph.D. candidate working under faculty advisor Nichole Barger , has just been awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP). GRFP recipients receive three years of support from the National Science Foundation including an annual stipend of $30,000 and a cost-of-education allowance to the university of study...

Teaching innovations in EBIO enhanced by science teaching fellows

Sept. 5, 2011

Welcome to Dr. Anne-Marie Hoskinson and Dr. Sarah Wise who join us as science teaching fellows. Anne-Marie and Sarah will be collaborating with small working groups of faculty to build on our teaching innovations, including enhanced learning goals and more active learning environments. They are funded by a Science Education...

EBIO research team finds Southern Rockies pikas holding their own

Sept. 2, 2011

Pikas are sensitive to changes in temperature and snowpack, which have driven them to higher elevations and even local extinction in some areas of the western US. But doctoral candidate Liesl Erb, with Rob Guralnick , Chris Ray , and EBIO undergraduate research assistants Gavin Dean, Justine Smith, and Lizzy...

Great news from the Seastedt lab: NSF grant to study environmental change

Sept. 1, 2011

Tim Seastedt got the good news of a new, large NSF grant. "Ecosystem transformations along the Colorado Front Range: Prairie dog interactions with multiple components of global environmental change", $851,704.00 (3 years), Tim Seastedt PI, Jesse Nippert (KSU) and Laurel Hartley (CU-Denver) Co-PIs. In a nutshell: This study will measure...

High Honor for Barbara Demmig-Adams

Aug. 24, 2011

Barbara Demmig-Adams has been elected to membership in Leopoldina , the National Academy of Sciences for Germany/Austria/Switzerland. This is the highest academic honor awarded by an institution in Germany and more than 157 Nobel Laureates are fellows of Leopoldina. Past fellows include Darwin, Goethe and Ernest Rutherford. Many congrats to...

Great news from the Stock lab! NSF grant to study irreversible evolution

July 12, 2011

David Stock has just received a 3 yr, $500,000 NSF grant for his project entitled "Causes and Consequences of Dentition Reduction in the Zebrafish Lineage." Abstract: The direction of evolution is determined not only by the environments to which organisms are exposed, but also by features of their genetic and...
