Web Express is a content management system. In a nutshell, all your site's content is housed in a large database and the Node ID (or number) is the primary key in the database for your content. It's useful to know your content node number in many situations. So we would like to share how you can find the node number of your content. 

After you save a new page or block, it is assigned a node number. If you Click Edit on any of your pre-existing site content the node number will be under the Page Title.

Click image to enlarge

There are also an other little trick to viewing the node number of content when you are on the main Menu admin page or the Content/Find Content admin page.

  • Hover your mouse over one of the edit links. In this example, we on the Mani Menu page and hovering over "edit content".
  • Down in the bottom-left corner of the browser, you'll see the URL for the link, and it contains the node number. In this example, the node ID is node/272.

Click image to enlarge

Things to note:

  • I'm using Firefox and Chrome in these examples.
  • Even though the URL for the page is actually /site-owner-fundamentals, the browser is showing you Web Express' original URL for editing the page.

You can also use this trick on other parts of the site. For example:

  • Go to Content or Find Content, you may see the original URL from these admin pages as well by hovering over the "edit" link.

Click image to enlarge

Knowing the Node Number Use Cases

Knowing the node number is useful when you want to create some contexts, create certain links etc. So if you should find yourself in a situation that you need to know the node number of your content ... well now you know!