PhD Checklist

Rev 8/11/2021

Prior to Fall Semester

Complete Residency Requirements

(See Computer Science Grad handbook, Section 6.4.)

  • CO Driver’s License
  • Voter Registration
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Buff One Card (C4C, Room N180)

Complete Required Training (If TA)

  • TA Training
  • FEPRA Trainin - within two weeks of the start.
  • Discrimination & Harassment - within 2 weeks of start, including TA Training

All requirements for the PhD degree must normally be completed within six years of the start of course work.

In addition to completing your course requirements, preliminary exam and comprehensive exam as specified above, you should get started with your research agenda as soon as possible. This includes exploring research areas/topics, getting to know your research community, attending professional conferences in your research area, doing research, and disseminating research results via writing/submitting/publishing research papers and presenting them at appropriate venues. An important first step towards achieving this goal is to start meeting with your adviser regularly and integrate yourself into a research group of interest as soon as possible.

The guidelines below serve as a checklist for you to ensure that you are making adequate progress. These bullet items are based on a timeline set by the Graduate School and the Graduate Committee, but we encourage you to complete them and the PhD program sooner if possible. If you feel that you are behind according to this schedule, the Graduate Committee encourages you to seek discussion with your adviser, a faculty mentor, or the Graduate Committee. Please note that adhering to these guidelines is a necessary but not sufficient condition for success. Ultimately, the quality of your research, and successfully completing the course requirements, preliminary exam, comprehensive exam and PhD dissertation will lead to the PhD degree.

Year One

  • Find a research advisor by actively integrating yourself into a research group of interest
  • Meet with your adviser regularly
  • Complete 12-15 credit hours of course work
  • Create web page
    • Bio -- contact info, degrees, employment
    • Resume
    • Description of research interests and research projects
    • Publication list

Action Items

  • Apply for Colorado Residency
    Visit the for more details
  • File for transfer of credits (in 2nd semester if applicable )
    Visit the for more details

Year Two

  • Conduct research with adviser and disseminate your research results
  • Complete 12-15 credit hours of course work
  • Prepare for your preliminary exam

Year Three

  • Conduct research with adviser and disseminate your research results
  • Complete Preliminary Exam
  • Complete coursework (30 hours, including breadth requirement)
  • Complete Area Exam

Action Items

  • Pass Preliminary Exam
    • Turn in exam form after completion of exam

Year Four

  • Conduct research with adviser and disseminate your research results
  • Defend Proposal (Comprehensive Exam)

Action Items

  • Hold Thesis Committee Meeting (or comp exam)
  • Pass Comprehensive Exam
    • At least two weeks prior to exam: submit the thesis committee names to Grad advisor.

Year Five

  • Conduct research with adviser and disseminate your research results
  • Defend Proposal (Comprehensive Exam) – If not done in year four

Action Items

  • Pass Comprehensive Exam
    • At least two weeks prior to exam: submit the thesis committee names to Grad advisor
  • Turn in signed Doctoral Examination Form to Graduate Advisor
  • Turn in signed Candidacy Application to Graduate Advisor. Candidacy application guide.

Year Six

  • Complete dissertation work
  • Defend PhD Dissertation
  • Apply for jobs

Action Items

(if intending to graduate)

  • Retroactively add thesis credit hours if necessary
  • Apply for Graduation though
  • Submit thesis title following guidelines/deadlines on grad school website
  • Submit committee names to Graduate Advisor 2 weeks before defense
  • Submit abstract, defense date, venue to Graduate Advisor 2 weeks before defense
  • Successfully defend thesis
  • Submit Dissertation Title when you apply online to graduate.
  • Submit Thesis Approval form following Grad School website deadlines and guidelines
  • Submit Doctoral Exam form to Graduate Advisor
  • Submit Thesis online to the