2014-15 Curriculum Guide

    1 Undergraduate Advising for the BS

    Please understand that you will be earning a degree for you, so you must read the requirements and refer to them when you need answers.You should also refer to your degree audit, found at the , student tab, degree audit button. You are welcome to consult with your advisor, but you must first read and understand the requirements so that you can ask good questions.Lesley McDowell is the Computer Science BS Program Advisor for Computer Science. The undergraduate advising office is in the ECOT tower in 725 and advising hours are as follows:

    Current students in the Computer Science BS program can schedule advising appointments by going to the Academic Advising Center to schedule an appointment.

    • Advising hours for current students Monday – Friday by scheduling in the system.
    • Majors, minors, can find up to date walk-in hours listed and Out of the Office messages on the Computer Science Advising page.

    2 Computer Science BS Program Introduction

    As computer scientists, we craft the technologies that keep our cell phones and iPods working. We develop the large scale software that powers business and industry. We advance the computational techniques and write the software that supports scientists in their study of the world around us.

    Many new computer applications remain to be discovered. Indeed, computing will be at the heart of future revolutions in business, science, and society. Students who study computer science now will be at the forefront of those important advances.

    Computer Science graduates from the University of Colorado Boulder produce the software and systems that touch our lives every day in fields ranging from communications to finance to publishing. They work at some of the most influential companies in the world, at research institutions, non-profits, and at the smallest start-ups of every type imaginable. And many lead highly successful companies that they themselves have founded.

    The BS degree program in Computer Science emphasizes knowledge and awareness of computing at all levels, from circuits and computer architecture through operating systems and programming languages to large application systems; the theoretical and mathematical aspects of computing; the interdependence of hardware and software; and the challenge of large-scale software production and the engineering principles used to meet that challenge.

    2.1 Program Outcomes

    The BS degree program aims to produce students that at the time of graduation have:

    • An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
    • An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
    • An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
    • An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish shared computing design, evaluation or implementation goals.
    • An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities for the computing profession.
    • An ability to communicate effectively about computing topics with a range of audiences.
    • An ability to analyze impacts of computing on individuals, organizations, and society.
    • Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in continuing professional development.
    • An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
    • An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithm principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices.
    • An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.

    2.2 Program Objectives

    The BS degree program aims to produce alumni that within three to five years after graduation:

    • are prepared to be valued individual contributors in a software-oriented organization, to be programmers and designers in an entrepreneurial pursuit, to lead small projects and generally begin preparation for a management career, or to succeed in rigorous postgraduate programs
    • are able to focus their careers on pure computer science technology or to bring computer science expertise to a companion discipline
    • are prepared, where appropriate, to specialize in a broad spectrum of computer science sub-disciplines, ranging across formal computer science (e.g., computational science, bioinformatics, and theory), cognitive science (e.g., human/machine learning, human-computer interaction, collaborative work, and human language technologies), and core computing (e.g., systems, networks and software engineering).

    2.3 ABET Accreditation

    The Bachelor of Computer Science degree program is accredited by the . ABET accreditation is assurance that the program meets the quality standards established by the computing profession. ABET accreditation is important for many reasons:

    • Accreditation helps students and their parents choose quality college programs.
    • Accreditation enables employers to recruit graduates they know are well-prepared.
    • Accreditation is used by registration, licensure, and certification boards to screen applicants.
    • Accreditation gives colleges and universities a structured mechanism to assess, evaluate, and improve the quality of their programs.

    The Bachelor of Computer Science degree program accreditation became effective October 1, 2008. Current accreditation lasts until September 30, 2016.

    3 BS Degree Requirements Summary

    Required courses must be taken in four major areas:

    1. Humanities and Social Sciences (24 credit hours)
    2. Natural Science (17 credit hours)
    3. Computer Science (58 credit hours)
      1. Foundation
      2. Tracks
      3. Electives
      4. Senior Capstone
    4. Mathematics (19 credit hours)

    The BS in Computer Science degree culminates in a senior-year course where students carry out a year-long software engineering project for a real-world industry sponsor.

    The BS in Computer Science prepares students for a wide range of careers in the computing field.

    Contact Lesley McDowell if you would like to ask questions about the BS degree program.

    3.1 Humanities and Social Sciences (24 credits)

    A total of at least 24 credit hours of approved coursework in the Humanities and Social Sciences is required:

    • All courses must meet the following criteria:
      • College of Engineering and Applied Science H/SS and Writing Requirements
    • Courses must include one of the following:
      • WRTG 3030-3, Writing on Science and Society.
      • WRTG 3035-3, Technical Communication and Design.
      • HUEN 1010-3, Introduction to the Humanities.
        ... only if taken during Fall 2011 or later by students matriculating at CU-Boulder in Fall 2011 or later.
      • HUEN 3100-3, Humanities for Engineers 1.
      • PHYS 3050-3, Writing in Physics: Problem-Solving and Rhetoric.
      • other writing courses as approved by the Undergraduate Education Council.
    • At least six of the remaining 21 credit hours must be at the upper-division undergraduate level or above, i.e. numbered 3000 or above. Upper-division writing does not count towards this 6 credits of upper division coursework.

    3.1.1 Quick way to find an approved Humanities and Social Science Course

    Do a class search by going to the :

    • click on “student tab”
    • next, click on the “search for classes” button
    • Search for any of the following approved Arts and Science Core categories:
      • Contemporary Societies
      • Foreign Language
      • Historical Context
      • Human Diversity
      • Ideals and Values
      • Literature and the Arts
      • United States Context
    • Search for any HUEN course.
    • Search for any 1000, 2000 or approved 3000 level foreign language courses.
    • Search for any Economics, Ethnic Studies, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, or Women’s Studies courses that would count towards that a minor in that a minor field in this area, if you will earn this minor.
    • Search for any other course specifically approved for all students by the Undergraduate Education Council of the College of Engineering and Applied Science.

    The following courses are so approved:

    • ANTH 4330-3 — Human Ecology: Archaeological Aspects
    • ANTH 4600 — Human Ecology: Cultural Aspects (No longer available)
    • ARCH 3114-3 — History and Theories of Architecture I
    • ARCH 3214-3 — History and Theories of Architecture II
    • ARCH 4010-3 — Architectural Appreciation and Design
    • ASEN 3036-3 — Introduction to Human Spaceflight
    • ASEN 3046-3 — Humans in Aviation
    • ATLS 2000-3 — The Meaning of Information Technology
    • CVEN 4700-3 — Sustainability and the Built Environment
    • ECEN 3070-3 — Edges of Science
    • ECON 3070-3 — Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
    • ECON 3080-3 — Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
    • EDUC 4050-3 — Knowledge and Learning in Mathematics and Science
    • EMUS/MUEL/MUSC 3642-3 — History of Jazz
    • ENVD 2001-3 — Social Factors in Environmental Design
    • ENVS 3621 — Energy Policy and Society (No longer available)
    • GEEN 1100-3 — Social Impact of Technology
    • COEN 2050-3 — Engineering Leadership Gateway
    • GEEN 3300 — Sustainability Ethics and Practice (No longer available)
    • GEOG 1982-3 — World Regional Geography
    • GEOG 1992-3 — Human Geographies
    • GEOG 3402-3 — Natural Hazards
    • HIST 4416-3 — Environmental History of North America
    • MATH 4820-3 — History of Mathematical Ideas
    • MCDB 1030-3 — Molecules, Plagues and People
    • MCDB 3330-3 — Evolution and Creationism
    • PHIL 1400-3 — Science and Society
    • PHYS 3000-3 — Science and Public Policy
    • PRLC 3810-3 — Global Issues in Leadership
    • PSCI 3201 — The Environment and Public Policy (No longer available)
    • PSYC 1001-3-4 — General Psychology
    • SOCY 2077-3 — Environment and Society
    • SOCY 4007-3 — Global Human Ecology
    • SOCYI/ENVS 4027-3 — Inequality, Democracy, and the Environment
    • SPAN 3000-5 — Advanced Spanish Language Skills
    • SPAN 3200-3 — Spanish Culture and Civilization

    Up to six credits of the following ROTC courses also count as H&SS electives:

    • NAVR 2020, 3101, 4020, 4101
    • AIRR 2010, 2020, 4010, 4020
    • MILR 4082
    • HIST 4146

    Up to one credit hour of is also approved.

    6) "Critical Thinking" courses offered by non-science departments through the Spring 2010 semester.

    7) The college may consider meaningful groupings of courses in related subjects for H&SS electives, even if they are not courses in the A&S Core, when they are grouped so as to form a coherent plan of study. Students must for any proposed set of courses

    3.2 Natural Science (17 credits)

    A total of at least 17 credit hours of Natural Science is required which must include:

    3.2.1 Approved Natural Science Sequences

    Except as explicitly noted below, the following sequences satisfy the Natural Science sequence requirement for all tracks:

    Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences()

    • ASTR1030-4,Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 1.
    • ASTR1040-4,Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 2.
    • PHYS1110-4,General Physics 1.
    • PHYS1120-4,General Physics 2.
    • One of the following:
      • -3,Solar System Formation and Dynamics.
      • -3,Planets and Their Atmospheres.
      • -3,Planets, Moons, and Rings.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks: Computational Biology

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences()

    • ATOC1050-3,Weather and the Atmosphere.
    • ATOC1060-3,Our Changing Environment: El Nino, Ozone, and Climate.
    • ATOC3300-3,Analysis of Climate and Weather Observations.
    • ATOC3600-3,Principles of Climate.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks: Computational Biology


    • ᷡ1211-3,General Chemistry for Engineers.
    • ᷡ1221-2,Engineering General Chemistry Lab.
    • ᷡ3311-4,Organic Chemistry 1.
    • ᷡ3321-1,Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 1.
    • CHEM3331-4,Organic Chemistry 2.
    • CHEM4711-3,General Biochemistry 1.

    The following isnotrequired, but is highly recommended for students in theComputational Biologytrack.

    • CHEM4731-3,General Biochemistry 2.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all tracks.

    Biological Psychology()

    • EBIO1210-3,General Biology 1.
    • EBIO1230-1,General Biology Laboratory 1.
    • EBIO1220-3,General Biology 2.
    • EBIO1240-1,General Biology Laboratory 2.
    • PSYC2012-3,Biological Psychology 1.
    • 3 credit-hour upper-division (3000 level or above) science course from the acceptable course list.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all tracks.

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology()

    • EBIO1210-3,General Biology 1.
    • EBIO1230-1,General Biology Laboratory 1.
    • EBIO1220-3,General Biology 2.
    • EBIO1240-1,General Biology Laboratory 2.
    • EBIO2070-4,Genetics: Molecules to Populations.
    • One of the following:
      • EBIO3080-4,Evolutionary Biology.
      • 3400-4,ѾDzDZDz.
      • EBIO3770-4,Animal Diversity: Vertebrates.
      • EBIO3850-4,Animal Diversity: Invertebrates.
      • EBIO4290-3,Molecular Systematics and Evolution.
      • 4410-4,dzٰ.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all tracks.

    Environmental Studies()

    • EBIO1030-3,Biology: A Human Approach 1.
    • EBIO1040-3,Biology: A Human Approach 2.
    • EBIO1050-1,Biology: A Human Approach Laboratory.
    • EBIO2040-4,Principles of Ecology.
    • ENVS3040-4,Conservation Biology.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks:Computational Biology

    Geological Sciences 1()

    • GEOL1010-3,Introduction to Geology 1.
    • GEOL1020-3,Introduction to Geology 2.
    • ᷡ1211-3,General Chemistry for Engineers.
    • ᷡ1221-2,Engineering General Chemistry Lab.
    • One of the following:
      • GEOL3010-3,Introduction to Mineralogy.
      • GEOL3320-3,Introduction to Geochemistry.
    • a3 credit-hour upper-division (3000 level or above) GEOL science course from the acceptable course list.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks:Computational Biology

    Geological Sciences 2()

    • GEOL1010-3,Introduction to Geology 1.
    • GEOL1020-3,Introduction to Geology 2.
    • GEOL2700-2,Introduction to Field Geology.
    • GEOL3050-2,Computer-Assisted Geologic Techniques.
    • One of the following:
      • GEOL3030-3,Introduction to Hydrogeology.
      • GEOL3430-4,Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.
    • 3 credit-hour upper-division (3000 level or above) GEOL science course from the acceptable course list.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks: Computational Biology

    Integrative Physiology()

    • EBIO1210-3,General Biology 1.
    • EBIO1230-1,General Biology Laboratory 1.
    • EBIO1220-3,General Biology 2.
    • EBIO1240-1,General Biology Laboratory 2.
    • Two of the following:
      • IPHY3060-4,Cell Physiology.
      • IPHY3410-3,Introduction to Human Anatomy.
      • IPHY3450-3,Comparative Animal Physiology.
      • IPHY3460-5,Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy.
      • IPHY4200-3,Physiological Genetics and Genomics.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all tracks.

    Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology()

    • MCDB1150-3,Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology.
    • MCDB1151-1,Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Lab.
    • ᷡ1211-3,General Chemistry for Engineers.
    • ᷡ1221-2,Engineering General Chemistry Lab.
    • MCDB2150-3,Principles of Genetics.
    • ᷡ3311-4,Organic Chemistry 1.
    • ᷡ3321-1,Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 1.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all tracks.

    Organic Chemistry()

    • -3,General Chemistry for Engineers.
    • -2,Engineering General Chemistry Lab.
    • -4,Organic Chemistry 1.
    • -1,Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 1.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks: Computational Biology

    Physical Anthropology()

    • EBIO1210-3,General Biology 1.
    • EBIO1230-1,General Biology Laboratory 1.
    • ANTH2010-3,Introduction to Physical Anthropology 1.
    • ANTH2030-1,Laboratory in Physical Anthropology 1.
    • ANTH2020-3,Introduction to Physical Anthropology 2.
    • ANTH2040-1,Laboratory in Physical Anthropology 2.
    • 3 credit-hour upper-division (3000 level or above) science course from the acceptable course list.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks: Computational Biology

    Physical Geography()

    • GEOG1001-4,Environmental Systems 1---Climate and Vegetation.
    • GEOG1011-4,Environmental Systems 2---Landscapes and Water.
    • GEOG3301-3,Analysis of Climate and Weather Observations.
    • GEOG3601-3,Principles of Climate.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks: Computational Biology

    Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences()

    • EBIO1210-3,General Biology 1.
    • EBIO1230-1,General Biology Laboratory 1.
    • EBIO1220-3,General Biology 2.
    • EBIO1240-1,General Biology Laboratory 2.
    • IPHY3410-3,Introduction to Human Anatomy. (No longer available)
    • SLHS3106-5,Hearing Science.
    • SLHS 3116-3, Speech Science.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all tracks.

    General Physics()

    • PHYS1110-4,General Physics 1.
    • PHYS1120-4,General Physics 2.
    • PHYS1140-1,Experimental Physics 1.
    • 3 credit-hour upper-division (3000 level or above) science course from the acceptable course list.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks: Computational Biology

    Physical Science

    • ᷡ1211-3,General Chemistry for Engineers.
    • ᷡ1221-2,Engineering General Chemistry Lab.
    • PHYS1110-4,General Physics 1.
    • 3 credit-hour upper-division (3000 level or above) science course from the acceptable course list.

    Satisfies the Natural Science sequence requirement for all but the following tracks: Computational Biology

    The following should be noted:

    • Many of these courses have prerequisites and/or co-requisites that must be satisfied.
    • Petitions will be considered for individual course substitutions in the above sequences as long as a coherent science sequence is maintained.
    • Petitions to create an entirely new science sequence will also be considered. The new sequence must be a coherent sequence of fouracceptablenon-laboratory science courses (see below), one of which must be an upper-division (3000 level or above) course.

    3.2.2 Acceptable Natural Science Courses

    All of the following are acceptable science courses. Courses that have been excluded from this list are those labeled "for non-science majors", courses in writing for the sciences, courses in history of the sciences, courses in science-related policy, courses that are primarily mathematics or computer courses, and other non-science courses. Petitions to include appropriate science courses not listed here will be considered.


    • ANTH2010-3,Introduction to Physical Anthropology 1.
    • ANTH2020-3,Introduction to Physical Anthropology 2.
    • ANTH2030-1,Laboratory in Physical Anthropology 1.
    • ANTH2040-1,Laboratory in Physical Anthropology 2.
    • ANTH4120-3,Advanced Physical Anthropology.

    Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences()

    • ASTR1030-4,Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 1.
    • ASTR1040-4,Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 2.
    • ASTR2000-3,Ancient Astronomies of the World.
    • ASTR2030-3,Black Holes.
    • ASTR2040-3,Search for Life in the Universe
    • ASTR2500-3,Gateway to Space.
    • ASTR3510-4,Observations and Instrumentation 1.
    • ASTR3520-4,Observations and Instrumentation 2.
    • ո3710-3,Solar System Formation and Dynamics.
    • ո3720-3,Planets and Their Atmospheres.
    • ASTR3730-3,Astrophysics 1---Stellar and Interstellar.
    • ASTR3740-3,Cosmology and Relativity.
    • ո3750-3,Planets, Moons, and Rings.
    • ASTR3760-3,Solar and Space Physics.
    • ASTR3830-3,Astrophysics 2---Galactic and Extragalactic.

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences()

    • ATOC3300-3,Analysis of Climate and Weather Observations.
    • ATOC3500-3,Air Chemistry and Pollution.
    • ATOC3600-3,Principles of Climate.
    • ATOC3720-3,Planets and Their Atmospheres.
    • ATOC4215-3,Descriptive Physical Oceanography.
    • ATOC4720-3,Introduction to Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics.
    • ATOC4750-3,Desert Meteorology and Climate.

    Chemistry and Biochemistry()

    • CHEM1113-4,General Chemistry 1.
    • CHEM1114-1,Laboratory in General Chemistry 1.
    • CHEM1133-4,General Chemistry 2.
    • CHEM1134-1,Laboratory in General Chemistry 2.
    • ᷡ1221-2,Engineering General Chemistry Lab.
    • ᷡ3311-4,Organic Chemistry 1.
    • ᷡ3321-1,Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 1.
    • CHEM3331-4,Organic Chemistry 2.
    • CHEM3341-1,Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 2.
    • CHEM3351-4,Organic Chemistry 1 for Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors.
    • CHEM3361-2,Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 1 for Chemistry Majors.
    • CHEM3371-4,Organic Chemistry 2 for Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors.
    • CHEM3381-2,Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 2 for Chemistry Majors.
    • CHEM4011-3,Modern Inorganic Chemistry.
    • CHEM4021-3,Inorganic Laboratory.
    • CHEM4171-3,Instrumental Analysis.
    • CHEM4181-4,Instrumental Analysis Laboratory with Environmental Emphasis.
    • CHEM4411-3,Physical Chemistry with Biochemistry Applications 1.
    • CHEM4431-3,Physical Chemistry with Biochemistry Applications 2.
    • CHEM4511-3,Physical Chemistry 1.
    • CHEM4521-3,Physical Chemistry for Engineers.
    • CHEM4531-3,Physical Chemistry 2.
    • CHEM4581-1,Physical Chemistry Lab 1.
    • CHEM4591-2,Physical Chemistry Lab 2.
    • CHEM4611-3,Survey of Biochemistry.
    • CHEM4711-3,General Biochemistry 1.
    • CHEM4731-3,General Biochemistry 2.
    • CHEM4751-3,Current Topics in Biochemical Research.
    • CHEM4761-4,Biochemistry Laboratory.
    • CHEM4791-3,Bioorganic Chemistry in Biotechnology.

    Chemical Engineering()

    • ᷡ1211-3,General Chemistry for Engineers.
    • CHEN2810-3,Biology for Engineers.

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology()

    • EBIO 1030-3, A Human Approach 1
    • EBIO 1040-3, A Human Approach 2
    • EBIO 1050-1, A Human Approach Laboratory
    • EBIO1210-3,General Biology 1.
    • EBIO1220-3,General Biology 2. (No longer available)
    • EBIO1230-1,General Biology Laboratory 1.
    • EBIO1240-1,General Biology Laboratory 2.
    • EBIO2010-1-3,Environmental Issues and Biology.
    • EBIO2040-4,Principles of Ecology.
    • EBIO2070-4,Genetics: Molecules to Population
    • EBIO2590-2,Plants and Society.
    • EBIO2640-5,Honors Principles of Ecology. (No longer available)
    • EBIO2670-5,Honors Genetics: Molecules to Populations. (No longer available)
    • EBIO3040-4,Conservation Biology.
    • EBIO3080-4,Evolutionary Biology.
    • EBIO3110-3,Population and Community Ecology.
    • EBIO3170-3-4,Arctic and Alpine Ecology.
    • EBIO3175-1,Arctic and Alpine Ecology Lab.
    • EBIO3180-3,Global Ecology.
    • EBIO3190-3,Tropical Marine Ecology.
    • EBIO3240-4,Animal Behavior.
    • EBIO3270-3,Ecosystem Ecology.
    • 3400-4,ѾDzDZDz.
    • EBIO3500-4,Plant Biodiversity and Evolution. (No longer available)
    • EBIO3510-4,Plant Anatomy and Development. (No longer available)
    • EBIO3520-4,Plant Systematics. (No longer available)
    • EBIO3530-4,Functional Plant Biology. (No longer available)
    • EBIO3630-4,Parasitology.
    • EBIO3680-5,Honors Evolutionary Biology.
    • EBIO3770-4,Animal Diversity: Vertebrates.
    • EBIO3850-4,Animal Diversity: Invertebrates. (No longer available)
    • EBIO4020-3,Stream Biology.
    • EBIO4030-3,Limnology.
    • EBIO4060-3,Landscape Ecology.
    • EBIO4080-4, Freshwater Phycology
    • EBIO4090-2,Coral Reef Ecology.
    • EBIO4100-3,Advanced Ecology.
    • EBIO4110-3,Advanced Ecology.
    • EBIO4120-2-4,Advanced Ecology.
    • EBIO4140-3,Plant Ecology.
    • EBIO4150-1-2,Techniques in Ecology.
    • EBIO4160-3,Introduction to Biogeochemistry.
    • EBIO4175-3,The Scientific Basis for Ecosystem Management of Public Lands.
    • EBIO4180-3,Ecological Perspectives on Global Change. (No longer available)
    • EBIO4290-3,Molecular Systematics and Evolution.
    • 4410-4,dzٰ.
    • EBIO 4500-4, Plan Biodiversity and Evolution.
    • EBIO 4510-4, Plant Anatomy and Development.
    • EBIO 4520-4, Plant Systematics.
    • EBIO 4530-4, Functional Plant Biology.
    • EBIO 4550-4, Plant Eco-Evo-Devo.
    • EBIO4570-3,Advanced Plant Physiology.
    • EBIO4660-4,Insect Biology.
    • EBIO4740-3,Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles.
    • EBIO4750-4,Ornithology.
    • EBIO4760-4,Mammalogy.

    Environmental Studies()

    • ENVS3040-4,Conservation Biology.


    • GEOG1001-4,Environmental Systems 1---Climate and Vegetation.
    • GEOG1011-4,Environmental Systems 2---Landscapes and Water.
    • GEOG3251-3,Mountain Geography.
    • GEOG3301-3,Analysis of Climate and Weather Observations.
    • GEOG3351-3,Biogeography. (No longer available)
    • GEOG3511-4,Introduction to Hydrology.
    • GEOG3601-3,Principles of Climate.
    • GEOG4201-3,Biometeorology.
    • GEOG4211-3,Physical Climatology---Principles. (No longer available)
    • GEOG4231-4,Physical Climatology/Field Methods. (No longer available)
    • GEOG4241-4,Principles of Geomorphology.
    • GEOG4251-4,Fluvial Geomorphology.
    • GEOG 4261-3, Glaciers and Permafrost.
    • GEOG 4271-3, The Artic Climate System.
    • GEOG4291-3-4,Mountain Geomorphology. (No longer available)
    • GEOG4311-3,Watershed Biogeochemistry.
    • GEOG4321-3-4,Snow Hydrology.
    • GEOG4331-3-4,Mountain Climatology.
    • GEOG4371-3,Forest Geography: Principles and Dynamics.
    • GEOG4401-3,Soils Geography.
    • GEOG4411-3,Methods of Soil Analysis. (No longer available)
    • GEOG4501-3,Water Resources and Water Management of Western United States.

    Geological Sciences()

    • GEOL1010-3,Introduction to Geology 1.
    • GEOL1020-3,Introduction to Geology 2.
    • GEOL1030-1,Introduction to Geology Laboratory 1.
    • GEOL1040-3,Geology of Colorado.
    • GEOL1060-3,Global Change---An Earth Science Perspective.
    • GEOL 2001-4, Planet Earth.
    • GEOL 2040-3, The Search for Life in the Universe. (Was GEOL 3300)
    • GEOL2100-3,Environmental Geology.
    • GEOL2110-4,Physical Science of the Earth System. (No longer available)
    • GEOL2700-2,Introduction to Field Geology.
    • GEOL3010-3,Introduction to Mineralogy.
    • GEOL3020-3,Petrology.
    • GEOL3030-3,Introduction to Hydrogeology.
    • GEOL3040-3,Global Change: The Recent Geological Record.
    • GEOL3050-2,Computer-Assisted Geologic Techniques.
    • GEOL3060-3,Geology of U.S. National Parks. (No longer available)
    • GEOL3070-3,Introduction to Oceanography.
    • GEOL3120-4,Structural Geology.
    • GEOL 3130-3, Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast.
    • GEOL 3230-3, Earth Materials.
    • GEOL3300-3,Extraterrestrial Life. (Being replaced with GEOL 2040)
    • GEOL3320-3,Introduction to Geochemistry.
    • GEOL3410-3,Paleobiology.
    • GEOL3430-4,Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.
    • GEOL3500-3,Earth Resources and the Environment.
    • GEOL3520-3,Environmental Issues in Geosciences.
    • GEOL 3540-3, Introduction to Petroleum Geology.
    • GEOL3720-3,Evolution of Life: The Geological Record.
    • GEOL 3820-3, The Fluid Earth.
    • GEOL3950-3,Natural Catastrophes and Geologic Hazards.
    • GEOL4060-4,Oceanography.
    • GEOL 4070-3, Paleoclimatology.
    • GEOL4080-3,Societal Problems and Earth Sciences. (No longer available)
    • GEOL4093-4,Remote Sensing of the Environment.
    • GEOL4130-3,Principles of Geophysics.
    • GEOL4160-3,Introduction to Biogeochemistry.
    • GEOL4200-3,Advanced Mineralogy. (No longer available)
    • GEOL4241-4,Principles of Geomorphology.
    • GEOL 4270-3, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry.
    • GEOL4291-3-4,Mountain Geomorphology. (No longer available)
    • GEOL 4330-3, Cosmochemistry.
    • GEOL4360-3,Glacial Geology. (No longer available)
    • GEOL4474-4,Vertebrate Paleontology.
    • GEOL4540-4,Petroleum Geology. (No longer available)
    • GEOL4550-3,Petroleum Reservoir Characterization and Modeling.
    • GEOL4640-3,Glaciology. (No longer available)
    • GEOL4670-3,Isotope Geology.
    • GEOL4711-2,Igneous and Metamorphic Field Geology.
    • GEOL4712-2,Structural Field Geology.
    • GEOL4714-2,Field Geophysics.
    • GEOL4715-2,Field Techniques in Surficial Geology and Geohydrology.
    • GEOL4716-2,Environmental Field Geochemistry.
    • GEOL4717-2,Field Seminar in Geology and Tectonics.

    Integrative Physiology()

    • IPHY2010-1-3,Seminar in Integrative Physiology.
    • IPHY 2420-3, Nutrition for Health and Performance.
    • IPHY2600-2,Introduction to Research Methods. (No longer available)
    • IPHY2910-1-3,Practicum in Integrative Physiology.
    • IPHY3060-4,Cell Physiology.
    • IPHY3130-3,Environmental Animal Physiology.
    • IPHY3410-3,Introduction to Human Anatomy.
    • IPHY3415-2,Human Anatomy Laboratory.
    • IPHY3430-3,Introduction to Human Physiology.
    • IPHY3435-2,Human Physiology Laboratory.
    • IPHY 3440-3, Nutrition for Health and Wellness.
    • IPHY3450-3,Comparative Animal Physiology.
    • IPHY3460-5,Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy.
    • IPHY3470-3,Human Physiology 1.
    • IPHY3480-3,Human Physiology 2.
    • IPHY3660-3,Dynamics of Motor Learning.
    • IPHY3730-3,Brain and Behavior. (No longer available)
    • IPHY3800-3,Forensic Biology.
    • IPHY3810-1,Forensic Biology Laboratory.
    • IPHY4200-3,Physiological Genetics and Genomics.
    • IPHY4440-4,Endocrinology.
    • IPHY4470-3,Biology of Human Reproduction.
    • IPHY4480-3,Comparative Reproduction.
    • IPHY4500-4,Histology: Cells and Tissues. (No longer available)
    • IPHY4540-5,Biomechanics.
    • IPHY4600-4,Immunology.
    • IPHY4650-5,Exercise Physiology.
    • IPHY4720-4,Neurophysiology.
    • IPHY4730-3,Motor Control. (No longer available)
    • IPHY4740-3,Theory of Motor Skill Learning.
    • IPHY4750-3,Exercise and Sport Psychology. (No longer available)
    • IPHY4770-3-4,Mind--Body Health.

    Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology()

    • MCDB1030-3,Plagues, People, and Microorganisms.
    • MCDB1041-3,Fundamentals of Human Genetics.
    • MCDB1150-3,Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology.
    • MCDB1151-1,Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Lab.
    • MCDB 1161-2, From Dirt to DNA: Phage Genomics Laboratory.
    • MCDB2115-3,Life Science of Earth Systems. (No longer available)
    • MCDB2150-3,Principles of Genetics.
    • MCDB2151-1,Principles of Genetics Laboratory.
    • MCDB 2161-2, From DNA to Genes, Phage Genomics Laboratory II.
    • MCDB3100-3,Methods in Developmental Genetics. (No longer available)
    • MCDB3120-3,Cell Biology. (No longer available)
    • MCDB 3135-3, Molecular Cell Biology I.
    • MCDB3140-2,Cell Biology Laboratory.
    • MCDB 3145-3, Molecular Cell Biology II.
    • MCDB3150-3,Biology of the Cancer Cell.
    • MCDB3280-3,Molecular Cell Physiology.
    • MCDB 3330-3, Evolution and Creationism.
    • MCDB3350-3,Fertility, Sterility, and Early Mammalian Development.
    • MCDB3500-3,Molecular Biology. (No longer available)
    • MCDB3650-3,The Brain – From Molecules to Behavior.
    • MCDB4111-3,Experimental Design and Research in Cell and Molecular Biology.
    • MCDB4140-3,Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
    • MCDB4300-3,Immunology.
    • MCDB4330-3,Bacterial Disease Mechanisms.
    • MCDB4350-3,Microbial Diversity and the Biosphere.
    • MCDB4410-3,Human Molecular Genetics.
    • MCDB4426-3,Cell Signaling and Developmental Regulation.
    • MCDB4444-3,Cellular Basis of Disease.
    • MCDB4471-3,Mechanisms of Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes.
    • MCDB4520-3,Bioinformatics and Genomics.
    • MCDB4550-3,Cellular and Molecular Motion, A Biophysical Approach.
    • MCDB4615-3,Biology of Stem Cells.
    • MCDB4650-3,Developmental Biology.
    • MCDB4680-3,Mechanisms of Aging.
    • MCDB4750-3,Animal Virology.
    • MCDB4777-3,Molecular Neurobiology.
    • MCDB4790-3,Experimental Embryology.
    • MCDB4810-3,Insane in the Membrane: The Biology and Biophysics of the Membrane.


    • PHYS1110-4,General Physics 1.
    • PHYS1120-4,General Physics 2.
    • PHYS1140-1,Experimental Physics 1.
    • PHYS1300-3,Experiment in Physics.
    • PHYS2130-3,General Physics 3.
    • PHYS2150-1,Experimental Physics.
    • PHYS2170-3,Foundations of Modern Physics.
    • PHYS2210-3,Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods 1.
    • PHYS3210-3,Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods 2.
    • PHYS3220-3,Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics 1.
    • PHYS3310-3,Principles of Electricity and Magnetism 1.
    • PHYS3320-3,Principles of Electricity and Magnetism 2.
    • PHYS3330-2,Electronics for the Physical Sciences.
    • PHYS3340-3,Introductory Research in Optical Physics.
    • PHYS4130-3,Biological Electron Microscopy: Principles and Recent Advances.
    • PHYS4150-3,Plasma Physics.
    • PHYS4230-3,Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics.
    • PHYS4340-3,Introduction to Solid State Physics.
    • PHYS4410-3,Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics 2.
    • PHYS4420-3,Nuclear and Particle Physics.
    • PHYS4430-3,Introduction to Research in Modern Physics.
    • PHYS4450-3,History and Philosophy of Physics.
    • PHYS4510-3,Optics.


    • -3,Biological Psychology 1.
    • -3,Biological Psychology 2.
    • -3,Behavioral Genetics.
    • -4,Behavioral Neuroscience.
    • -3, The Neurobiology of Stress.

    Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences()

    • -3,Hearing Science.
    • -3, Speech Science.
    • -3,Language Disorders: Child and Adult.
    • -3,Speech Disorders: Voice, Cleft Palate, Motor Disorders, Stuttering.

    3.3 Computer Science Foundation

    All of the following courses are required for all tracks:

    • CSCI 1000-1, Computer Science as a Field of Work and Study.
    • CSCI 1300-4, Computer Science 1: Programming.
    • CSCI 2270-4, Computer Science 2: Data Structures.
    • CSCI 2400-4, Computer Systems.
    • CSCI 3104-4, Algorithms.
    • CSCI 3155-4, Principles of Programming Languages.

    Note: CSCI 4593-3, Computer Organization, may be taken in place of CSCI 2400.

    3.4 Computer Science Tracks

    Computer Science is an exceptionally broad discipline, but it is also a discipline with many opportunities for specialization. Tracks help students focus their coursework and interests on coherent areas of specialization.

    The requirements of at least one of the following Computer Science Tracks must be met. Each track requires completion of a Track Foundation, a Track Core and a Track Capstone. Some tracks may have additional requirements.

    3.4.1 Self-Directed (SDT) Self Directed Core

    Seven (7) Open Options track core courses selected from the following are required (21-22 hours):

    • CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools.
    • 3000 level or above CSCI course-3-4
    • 3000 level or above CSCI course-3-4
    • 3000 level or above CSCI course-3-4
    • 3000 level or above CSCI course-3-4
    • 3000 level or above CSCI course-3-4
    • 3000 level or above CSCI course-3-4 Self-Directed Capstone

    Senior Capstone or Senior Thesis is required (8 hours total):

    Senior Capstone:
    • CSCI 4308-4, Software Engineering Project 1 and
    • CSCI 4318-4, Software Engineering Project 2.

    This sequence must be taken contiguously and may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Project include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Project for more information.

    Senior Thesis:
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.

    Senior Thesis may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Thesis include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Thesis for more information. Computer Science Electives

    Additional approved upper-division Computer Science courses to bring the total number of all credit hours taken to satisfy the Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core, Track Capstone and Computer Science Electives to 58 or more.See approved list below.

    3.4.2 Computational Biology (CBI) Computational Biology Foundation

    All of the following courses are required (10 hours):

    • CSCI 4314-3, Algorithms for Molecular Biology.
    • CSCI 4317-3, Genome Databases: Mining and Management.
    • CSCI 4810-1, Seminar in Computational Biology and Health Informatics. Computational Biology Core

    Four (4) additional courses selected from the following are required (12 hours):

    • CSCI 3202-3, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
    • CSCI 3287-3, Database and Information Systems.
    • CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools.
    • CSCI 3434-3, Theory of Computation.
    • CSCI 3656-3, Numerical Computation.
    • CSCI 4576-4, High-Performance Scientific Computing 1.
    • CSCI 4446-3, Chaotic Dynamics.
    • CSCI 4448-3, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
    • APPM 4390-3, Modeling in Mathematical Biology.
    • MCDB 4520-3, Bioinformatics and Genomics. Computational Biology Capstone

    Senior Capstone or Senior Thesis is required (8 hours total):

    Senior Capstone:
    • CSCI 4308-4, Software Engineering Project 1 and
    • CSCI 4318-4, Software Engineering Project 2.

    This sequence must be taken contiguously and may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Project include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Project for more information.

    Senior Thesis:
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.

    Senior Thesis may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Thesis include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Thesis for more information. Computer Science Electives

    Additional approved upper-division Computer Science courses to bring the total number of all credit hours taken to satisfy the Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core, Track Capstone and Computer Science Electives to 58 or more. See approved list below.

    3.4.3 Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Computational Science and Engineering Foundation

    All of the following courses are required (10 hours):

    • CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools.
    • CSCI 3656-3, Numerical Computation.
    • CSCI 4576-4, High-Performance Scientific Computing 1 Computational Science and Engineering Core

    Three (3) courses selected from the following are required (9-10 hours):

    • CSCI 3287-3, Database and Information Systems.
    • CSCI 3753-4, Operating Systems.
    • CSCI 4229-3, Computer Graphics.
    • CSCI 4332-3, Game Programming.
    • CSCI 4446-3, Chaotic Dynamics.
    • CSCI 4448-3, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
    • CSCI 4753-3, Computer Performance Modeling.
    • CSCI 4809-3, Computer Animation. Computational Science and Engineering Capstone

    Senior Capstone or Senior Thesis is required (8 hours total):

    Senior Capstone:
    • CSCI 4308-4, Software Engineering Project 1 and
    • CSCI 4318-4, Software Engineering Project 2.

    This sequence must be taken contiguously and may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Project include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Project for more information.

    Senior Thesis:
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.

    Senior Thesis may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Thesis include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Thesis for more information. Computer Science Electives

    Additional approved upper-division Computer Science courses to bring the total number of all credit hours taken to satisfy the Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core, Track Capstone and Computer Science Electives to 58 or more. See approved list below.

    3.4.4 Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Human-Centered Computing Foundation

    All of the following courses are required (7-9 hours):

    • CSCI 3002-3, Human-Centered Computing Foundations.
    • CSCI 3112-1-3, Human-Centered Computing Professional Development.
    • CSCI 3702-3, Cognitive Science. Human-Centered Computing Core

    Three (3) courses selected from the following are required (9 hours):

    • CSCI 3202-3, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
    • CSCI 3287-3, Database and Information Systems.
    • CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools.
    • CSCI 4830 -3, Spec Tpcs: Game Programming.
    • CSCI 4830-3, Spec Tpcs: Rapid Prototyping.
    • CSCI 4830-3, Spec Tpcs: Social Computing.
    • CSCI 4830-3, Spec Tpcs: Things That Think.
    • CSCI 4448-3, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Human-Centered Computing Capstone

    Senior Capstone or Senior Thesis is required (8 hours total):

    Senior Capstone:
    • CSCI 4308-4, Software Engineering Project 1 and
    • CSCI 4318-4, Software Engineering Project 2.

    This sequence must be taken contiguously and may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Project include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Project for more information.

    Senior Thesis:
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.

    Senior Thesis may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Thesis include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Thesis for more information. Computer Science Electives

    Additional approved upper-division Computer Science courses to bring the total number of all credit hours taken to satisfy the Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core, Track Capstone and Computer Science Electives to 58 or more. See approved list below.

    3.4.5 Networked Devices and Systems (NDS) Networked Devices and Systems Foundation

    All of the following courses are required (10 hours):

    • CSCI 3753-4, Operating Systems.
    • CSCI 4273-3, Network Systems.
    • TLEN 5833-3, Spec Tpcs: UNIX System Administration. Networked Devices and Systems Core

    Four (4) courses selected from the following are required (12 hours):

    • CSCI 3287-3, Database and Information Systems.
    • CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools.
    • CSCI 3434-3, Theory of Computation.
    • CSCI 4448-3, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
    • CSCI 4593-3, Computer Organization.
    • CSCI 4753-3, Computer Performance Modeling. Networked Devices and Systems Capstone

    Senior Capstone or Senior Thesis is required (8 hours total):

    Track Capstone:
    • TLEN 5460-3, Telecomm System Laboratory
    • TLEN 5540-3, Network Security Laboratory
    • TLEN 5210-3, Principles of Telecommunications Policy.

    Prerequisites for Networked Devices and Systems Labs and Seminar are the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives.

    Senior Thesis
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.

    Senior Thesis may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Thesis include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Thesis for more information. Computer Science Electives

    Additional approved upper-division Computer Science courses to bring the total number of all credit hours taken to satisfy the Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core, Track Capstone and Computer Science Electives to 58 or more. See approved list below.

    3.4.6 Software Engineering (SEN) Software Engineering Foundation

    Both of the following courses are required (6 hours):

    • CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools.
    • CSCI 4448-3, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Software Engineering Core

    Five (5) courses selected from the following are required (15-16 hours):

    • CSCI 3202-3, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
    • CSCI 3287-3, Database and Information Systems.
    • CSCI 3753-4, Operating Systems.
    • CSCI 4229-3, Computer Graphics.
    • CSCI 4273-3, Network Systems.
    • CSCI 4555-3, Compiler Construction.
    • TLEN 5833-3, Spec Tpcs: UNIX System Administration. Software Engineering Capstone

    Senior Capstone or Senior Thesis is required (8 hours total):

    Senior Capstone:
    • CSCI 4308-4, Software Engineering Project 1 and
    • CSCI 4318-4, Software Engineering Project 2.

    This sequence must be taken contiguously and may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Project include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Project for more information.

    Senior Thesis:
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.

    Senior Thesis may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Thesis include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Thesis for more information. Computer Science Electives

    Additional approved upper-division Computer Science courses to bring the total number of all credit hours taken to satisfy the Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core, Track Capstone and Computer Science Electives to 58 or more. See approved list below.

    3.4.7 Systems (SYS) Systems Foundation

    All of the following courses are required (10 hours):

    • CSCI 3753-4, Operating Systems.
    • CSCI 4273-3, Network Systems.
    • ECEN 2350-3, Digital Logic. Systems Core

    Three (3) courses selected from the following are required (9 hours):

    • CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools.
    • CSCI 4229-3, Computer Graphics.
    • CSCI 4555-3, Compiler Construction.
    • CSCI 4593-3, Computer Organization.
    • CSCI 4753-3, Computer Performance Modeling.
    • CSCI 4830-3, CS Special Topics: Ethical Hacking
    • ECEN 4613-3, Embedded System Design. Systems Capstone

    Senior Capstone or Senior Thesis is required (8 hours total):

    Senior Capstone:
    • CSCI 4308-4, Software Engineering Project 1 and
    • CSCI 4318-4, Software Engineering Project 2.

    This sequence must be taken contiguously and may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Project include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Project for more information.

    Senior Thesis:
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.
    • CSCI 4950-4, Senior Thesis.

    Senior Thesis may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for Senior Thesis include the successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core and Computer Science Electives. See Senior Thesis for more information. Computer Science Electives

    Additional approved upper-division Computer Science courses to bring the total number of all credit hours taken to satisfy the Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core, Track Capstone and Computer Science Electives to 58 or more. See approved list below.

    3.5 Computer Science Electives for all tracks

    Additional approved upper-division Computer Science courses to bring the total number of all credit hours taken to satisfy the Computer Science Foundation, Track Foundation, Track Core, Track Capstone and Computer Science Electives to 58 or more. Approved courses include

    • CSCI 3002-3, Human-Centered Computing Foundations.
    • CSCI 3112-1, Human-Centered Computing Professional Development.
    • CSCI 3202-3, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
    • CSCI 3287-3, Database and Information Systems.
    • CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools.
    • CSCI 3434-3, Theory of Computation.
    • CSCI 3656-3, Numerical Computation.
    • CSCI 3702-3, Cognitive Science.
    • CSCI 3753-4, Operating Systems.
    • CSCI 4229-3, Computer Graphics.
    • CSCI 4239-3, Advanced Computer Graphics.
    • CSCI 4273-3, Network Systems.
    • CSCI 4302-3, Advanced Robotics.
    • CSCI 4314-3, Algorithms for Molecular Biology.
    • CSCI 4317-3, Genome Databases: Mining and Management.
    • CSCI 4322-3, Things That Think.
    • CSCI 4332-3, Game Programming.
    • CSCI 4446-3, Chaotic Dynamics.
    • CSCI 4448-3, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
    • CSCI 4502-3, Data Mining.
    • CSCI 4555-3, Compiler Construction.
    • CSCI 4576-4, High-Performance Scientific Computing 1.
    • CSCI 4586-4, High-Performance Scientific Computing 2.
    • CSCI 4593-3, Computer Organization.
    • CSCI 4753-3, Computer Performance Modeling.
    • CSCI 4809-3, Computer Animation.
    • CSCI 4810-1, Seminar in Computational Biology and Health Informatics.
    • CSCI 4830-3, Special Topics in Computer Science.
    • ASEN 4128-3, Human Factors in Engineering and Design
    • ECEN 2350-3, Digital Logic.
    • ECEN 4613-3, Embedded System Design.
    • TLEN 5460-3, Telecommunication Systems Laboratory.
    • TLEN 5540-3, Network Security Laboratory.
    • TLEN 5210-3, Principles of Telecommunications Policy.
    • TLEN 5833-3, Spec Tpcs: NIX System Administration.
    • Other upper-division Computer Science courses (CSCI courses numbered 3000 through 4999), if approved by an undergraduate advisor.
    • First-year graduate Computer Science courses (CSCI courses numbered 5000 through 5999), if approved by an undergraduate advisor.

    4 Additional Requirements

    4.1 Credit Hours and Free Elective Credit

    Satisfying all the other course requirements as described above typically adds up to a minimum of 116 credit hours, the exact number depending on specific courses selected and/or transfer credit. This typically leaves around 12 hours for "free electives". Students may take:

    • Any acceptable courses, bringing the total credit hours up to 128 or more.

    All courses are considered "acceptable" except as noted in the following list:

    • Co-op work experience does not count towards these 128 hours, nor does any other work experience.

    4.2 Minimum Grades

    Students need to have the following grade point averages:

    • A cumulative GPA of 2.25 (C) or better in all CSCI courses taken at CU.
    • A cumulative GPA of 2.25 (C) or better in all courses attempted at CU.
    • A cumulative GPA of 2.25 (C) or better in all CU courses used to satisfy graduation requirements.

    Students need to have the following grades in individual courses:

    • A grade of C- or better is required in each Computer Science Foundation course, as well as in each course used to satisfy the Track Foundation and Track Core.
    • A grade of C- or better is needed in all prerequisite courses to take a subsequent course.
    • The minimum passing grade for a course that is considered a prerequisite for another required course is C-. If a grade of D+ or lower is received in a course which is prerequisite to another, the student is required to repeat the course until the minimum acceptable course grade has been earned. If a student takes the advanced course, it does not remove the obligation to repeat the prerequisite course, even if the grade earned in the advanced course is a C- or above.
    • In general, aside from the above restrictions, any passing grade, i.e., a D- or better, is good enough to fulfill a degree requirement.
    • A student is not permitted to enroll in a course offered by the College when that course has not been successfully completed in three prior attempts.
    • The Department allows courses counting as free electives to be taken Pass/Fail. Students must petition the Department to take a course Pass/Fail. The College of Engineering and Applied Science has further restrictions on taking a course Pass/Fail. These restrictions are outlined in the College's .

    4.3 Residency

    • The last 45 credit hours must be earned on the Boulder campus after admission to the College of Engineering and Applied Science.
    • In addition, unless otherwise explicitly approved, these courses must be taken on the Boulder campus:
      • all Computer Science Foundation courses
      • all courses used to satisfy the Track Foundation
      • all courses used to satisfy the Track Core
      • the Track Capstone

    Courses for which transfer credit has been explicitly approved are not required to meet the residency requirement.

    4.4 Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS)

    Students must take care of any MAPS (Minimum Academic Preparation Standards) deficiencies. Please see Undergraduate Admissions Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS) for further information.

    4.5 Applying for Graduation

    The College of Engineering and Applied Science requires that students apply for graduation by going to the the semester ahead of the semester you plan to graduate. See the undergraduate advisor to confirm if you are on track to complete the degree requirements.

    4.6 Petitions

    Students may at times have legitimate reasons to deviate from these degree requirements. A student may request changes to his or her degree requirements by submitting a completed College of Engineering and Applied Science College Petition to undergraduate advisor. The petition must have appropriate approval for the requested changes to take effect.