Alena Grabowski

Blade Runners

June 1, 2018

CU’s Alena Grabowski is helping a new generation of amputee athletes reimagine what’s possible.

cannabis illustration

Research on the Road

March 1, 2018

CU Boulder scientists take a creative approach to studying cannabis.


The Risk of Being Undistinguished

June 1, 2017

Two CU Boulder scholars, one named Zax, find value in having a last name that starts near A.

cover of the book

Café Neandertal

March 28, 2017

Beebe Bahrami follows the work of archaeologists who are doing some of the most comprehensive and global work to date on the research, exploration, and recovery of our ancient ancestors.

Cubes with gender symbols on them

Putting the “S” in Gender

March 1, 2013

Is it the pitch of someone’s voice or style of speech that identifies gender?

cliff jumping

Wired To Be Wild

Sept. 1, 2012

What drives the attraction to risk among certain youth? According to a growing body of research from CU’s Center on Antisocial Drug Dependence (CADD), as much as 80 percent of it may stem from their DNA.

historic buckle from alaska

Ancient Arctic Accessory Appears

March 1, 2012

While excavating a 1,000-year-old seaside house in Alaska’s Seward Peninsula, researchers led by CU-Boulder made a startling discovery.

smart phone cartoon

Online Dating Too Revealing?

March 1, 2012

A significant number of online dating sites may reveal more personal information than users realize, according to research done by CU business professor Kai Larsen and his students last fall.

cartoon of frowning faces

Heavyweights Team Up To Study Brain Activity

Dec. 1, 2011

Do you ever wonder why you have a difficult time paying attention? Or why some people are more sensitive to pain? CU-Boulder researchers will be seeking answers to these questions thanks to a new 25,000-pound, $3 million machine on campus.

earthquake town

Bringing Down the House

June 1, 2010

Earthquake-prone cities like Kathmandu in Nepal, Japan’s Tokyo and Turkey’s Istanbul, have fast-growing populations that could suffer devastating damage when a large earthquake hits.
