Gain abreadth of knowledge in these relevant areas:

  • Global climate change
  • Geospatial data analytics
  • Analysis and design of hazard resilient infrastructure
  • Global health
  • Environmental and development economics
  • Impact evaluation

You will buildtechnical skills and have the opportunity for further study in a specific area of interest within global civil engineering.

As a part of your degree, you will also participate in hands-on learning during your field or team-project practicumwhere you will put classroom knowledge into practice in a community in need.Our practicum placements have taken place in over 50 countries, partnering with over 80 country programs.

This degree is a professional track of the MS program in Civil Engineering.

Group of men in shorts and t shirts that are volunteers posing for a photo

“The practicum changed my life. It gave me an opportunity to go experience something that pushed me out of my comfort zone and exposed me to a whole different world.” - G. Colgan