Published: June 5, 2017

Title: Technology, Preferences, & Cooperation:ÌýInvestigating Sustainable Community-Based WaterÌýTreatment in Rural India

Where and When

SEEC, Environmental Engineering Computer Lab (S265);Ìý
Friday June 9, 2017: ÌýNoon to 1 PM

Katherine Alfredo, PhD
Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Scholar, NEERIÌý(Nagpur, India)
Adjunct Research Scientist, Columbia UniversityÌý(NY, NY)


India relies heavily on groundwater supplies forÌýdrinking water and is, therefore, one of the countries most impacted byÌýgeogenicÌýcontaminants such as fluoride. In rural areas of Maharashtra, whereÌýalternate sources are not available and piped water is not plausible,ÌýwaterÌýtreatment facilities are installed by companies under a government contract. Community-basedÌýtreatment systems are gaining inÌýpopularity in rural areas not scheduled toÌýreceive piped water in the near future; yet, the influences that cause aÌýutility to either succeed orÌýfail are not well understood. One technology thatÌýis used to treat water in many fluoride-impacted areas is electrocoagulation. InÌýthe fall ofÌý2014, eleven villages with electrocoagulation defluoridation (EDF)Ìýtreatment plants installed by the same company were scheduled forÌýtransfer fromÌýcompany management to Gram Panchayat (village council) management, creating aÌýconsistency in plant type, companyÌýmanagement, and contract date expiration forÌýthe study. In this context, I designed several studies to address the followingÌýfour objectives:Ìý1) evaluate the perceptions and attitudes at the household-Ìýand community-level towards the treatment plant and fluoride contamination; 2)Ìýquantify community support through measures of willingness to pay for and willingnessÌýto give in-kind contributions to the treatmentÌýsystems at the point ofÌýtransition; 3) investigate cooperative behaviour related to potential policyÌýand; 4) investigate optimization of theÌýEDF technology to provide operatorsÌýwith management and maintenance guidance. The research project uses aÌýsource-to-user approach inÌýevaluating the sustainability of community-basedÌýdrinking water treatment facilities.


Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Katherine AlfredoÌýreceived her BE in Civil Engineering at The Cooper Union for the Advancement ofÌýArt and Science in NY, NY andÌýsubsequently completed her MSE and PhD in CivilÌýEngineering at The University of Texas at Austin on the chemical interactionsÌýbetween fluoride, aluminum, and naturalÌýorganic matter during drinking waterÌýtreatment. After completing her PhD, Dr. Alfredo was a Researcher at theÌýAmerican Water Works Association policy division inÌýWashington D.C.Ìýinvestigating water quality compliance and policy. Before starting herÌýpostdoctoral position at Columbia University’s [Columbia Water Center, Dr.ÌýAlfredo was a Critical Language Scholar (2013) and studied Hindi in Jaipur,ÌýIndia because it allowed her to oversee survey administration and speakÌýdirectly to waterÌýtreatment operators in India. Dr. Alfredo’s researchÌýinterests include understanding the structure of water rates in the UnitedÌýStates, investigating water quality policy andÌýthe impact on utility complianceÌýlinking agricultural water usage with long term water quality issues in IndiaÌýand researching defluoridation evaluation and monitoring inÌýIndia. Dr. AlfredoÌýinvestigates the policy and technical obstacles to providing potable drinkingÌýwater free from excess contaminants. As a Fulbright-Nehru PostdoctoralÌýScholar,ÌýDr. Alfredo investigated how and why rurally-implemented drinking waterÌýtreatment plants both succeed and fail when their management is transferred toÌýtheÌýcommunity. Currently, she is continuing her research pursuits as an AdjunctÌýResearch Scientist at Columbia University.
