The GWC has developed a substantial body of pioneering research, articles, books, conferences, workshops, and public lectures. The publications listed here include ones that GWC staff have contributed to in collaboration with our partners.

Book Cover

The Changing Fate of Western Rivers: The Case of the Colorado.

Dec. 1, 2020

Kenney, Douglas S. 2020. The Changing Fate of Western Rivers: The Case of the Colorado. IN: The Environmental Politics and Policy of Western Public Lands (edited by Erika Allen Wolters and Brent S. Steel). Corvallis: Oregon State University Press.       In a volume primarily devoted to western lands, this chapter explores...

Anne Castle

Global Water Matters Podcast Episode 2: Insights from the Colorado River

May 31, 2020

The second episode of the GWI Global Water Matters podcast features Anne Castle ('81), member of the Water Policy Group and senior fellow at the GWC. In conversation with producer Gretchen Miller, Castle discusses the management and future of the over-allocated Colorado River Basin, its many competing interests, her personal...

Anne Castle

The Risk of Curtailment Under the Colorado River Compact

Nov. 11, 2019

New Study of Colorado River Cutback Risks by GWC Senior Fellow Anne Castle and University of New Mexico Water Resources Program Director John Fleck. With a credible risk that declines in the Colorado River’s flow could force water curtailments in coming decades in Colorado and the rest of the Upper...


Energy Policy in the Age of Emergency Governance: New White Paper from Sharon Jacobs and Ari Peskoe

June 13, 2019

See the full white paper here: Energy Emergencies vs. Manufactured Crises: The Limits of Federal Authority to Disrupt Power Markets by Ari Peskoe and Sharon Jacobs We live in an age of governance by emergency. In February, President Trump declared a national emergency to build a wall on the southern...

Cover photo

Colorado Water Plan

Sept. 25, 2017

The Getches-Wilkinson Center, in conjunction with many collaborators, has a strong interest in promoting the implementation of the Colorado Water Plan (CWP). This entails work on several subjects, including agricultural water conservation and transfers, integrated land and water planning (including watershed planning), and improved Colorado River management. Read the most...


Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) within a Human Rights Framework: Lessons from a Suriname Case Study

April 1, 2017

A report on lessons learned from the Merian Mine prepared by an Expert Advisory Panel, organized by RESOLVE. Read the Case Study .

Peter Nichols

A Roundtable Discussion on the No-injury Rule

July 1, 2015

A roundtable discussion featuring a diverse group of expert water jurists, water lawyers, water engineers, state water officials, and academics on Colorado water law and Colorado water policy. The workshop discussed one aspect of the state’s water law that is seen by some as impeding the type of flexibility needed...

Colorado River

Navigating a Pathway Toward Colorado’s Water Future: A Review and Recommendations on Colorado’s Draft Water Plan

April 1, 2015

In the spring of 2015 the Getches-Wilkinson Center convened a group of renowned water policy experts to conduct a detailed review of the draft of the Colorado State Water Plan, with an emphasis on plan implementation, water management, climate change adaptation, and public water uses. This report reviews the current...
