
CU in DC Student Interns on Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant

In fifth grade, I took a standard family vacation to Washington, D.C., and became enamored with the city: the masses of suits and high heels, the countless monuments and historic buildings, and the endless hustle and bustle. It was enthralling yet intimidating, and that trip sparked my love for the...


CU in DC Student Studies and Interns on Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant

For the past semester, I have been studying and interning in Washington, D.C. as a part of the CU in D.C. program. I have thoroughly enjoyed every part of my experience here in D.C and am very grateful for this opportunity. I have grown immensely as a student, professional, and...

dc katiana

Student Experiences 2018 Midterm Election in D.C. through CWCTP Student Grant

My name is Katiana Hutchinson and I am senior here at CU Boulder studying Spanish and International Affairs. While I find both disciplines to be entirely enjoyable, I was not given work assignments in either subject matter. The magnificent wonder and awe of the DC monuments did not subside under...


Student Studies Ancient Greek to Pursue Contemporary Epistemology and Philosophy of Western Religion

I used my CWCTP grant to study ancient Greek independently over summer, 2018. I progressed through many chapters of From Alpha to Omega, the textbook used at CU-Boulder which covers grammatical concepts (etc.) for beginner-level students. Originally, I had hoped this project would help my study of ancient Greek philosophy;...


Ph.D. Candidate Learns German Skills to Work on Dissertation Project

I utilized my 2018 CWCTP grant to partially fund my enrollment in GRMN 1500 during the Summer A Session at CU. This course, taught by Doctor Berit Jany of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, is intended to introduce graduate students to German grammatical concepts, and to...


Student Learns German while Experiencing the Capital City of Berlin

During the summer of 2018, I was given the opportunity to study German in Berlin, Germany on the Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy Summer Language Grant. I was able to have this experience just before entering my senior year at CU, and I believe that the time I...


Student Delves into Colonization, Civilization and Spanish during Educational Visit to Peru

"During this summer, I was able to travel to Peru for two weeks in June on the Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy Summer Language Grant. My goal was to advance my understanding of Spanish, and to become more fluent in the language. Apart from language, I was also...

CWCTP Student

CWCTP grant allows CU student to "study abroad" in Washington, D.C.

"This opportunity gave me the ability to get a better jumpstart on my career in the city where I wanted to be post-graduation. I was able to set down roots and really focus my attention on politics and my future career. Having the ability to intern at a prominent Republican political committee like the Republican Governors Association gave me invaluable experience in the field of Republican political communications. My internship experience out here was amazing, I learned more than I ever could have imagined, and met some great people."

Capitol Hill

CU in DC Student Experiences Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant

My time in Washington D.C. has been an extraordinary experience. I have gotten to see new sights, taste new food, and meet some very new and amazing people. During my time here, I have had the pleasure to bond with fellow students from the CU system of schools, and together...

Rodin's The Thinker

Student enhances knowledge of French philosophy texts through CWCTP grant

Receiving the language grant from the CWCTP was critical for my gaining a grasp of French. Given that the focus of my dissertation in philosophy is the early modern period, being able to read French is essential. It will enable me to read the work of Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, Rousseau,...
