Published: March 1, 2021

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Anuja, Anbareen, Christina Chambers, Hayden, Ken, Teagan, Tania, Jhossep, Jemil, Ornella, Cynthia, Thy, Bailey,


Excused: Maya, Chidera, Audrea

Late: Bennett (excused)


  1. Open Hearing

  1. Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of the Agenda

  1. New Business

    1. An additional $176.30 was approved and allocated to the Elijah McClain event.

      1. Check if Chair can approve money below $500 for Board events

      2. Advises for Board vote although Chair has a general responsibility for affirming funding proposals

    2. 7:15 PM - Presentation from Senator Jake Carias

      1. Notes on Robert’s Rules

        1. Main Motions - Resolutions

          1. Incidental Main Motions

            1. Usually built into agenda already

              1. Ex: Approve agenda, To Recess, To Votes, To Call For Orders of the Day,

            2. Privileged Motions Examples

              1. To Adjourn

                1. Most common

              2. To Call For Orders For the Day

              3. To Fix Time For Next Meeting

                1. Rare

            3. *We can write to legislative council and have propose legislation

            4. Request for Parliamentary Inquiry/Point of Information

              1. Calls for Chair to answer questions about point of order and how meetings are conducted

          2. Subsidiary Motions

            1. Examples

              1. To amend

              2. To commit or refer to Committee

              3. To postpone to a specific time

            2. To Lay on the Table

              1. To set aside a main motion to deal with more important or different business item

            3. To limit or extend debate

            4. For the Previous Question

            5. Difference between Tabling and Postponing

              1. Tabling - moves agenda down in current meeting table

              2. Postponing - postponing to a whole other meeting

        2. Votes

          1. Methods of Voting

            1. Just yell yes or no

            2. Show of hands

            3. Rising to Vote

            4. Roll Call Vote

            5. Secret Ballot Vote

            6. Acclamation (Yay or Nay)

              1. Chair decides who wins

          2. Abstenation - Refusal to cast a vote

            1. “I do not want to vote for some reason”

          3. How Chair Votes

            1. In CEB it is to break a tie

        3. Nominations

          1. Anyone can be nominated by anyone!

        4. Takeaways

          1. Only one main motion on the floor at the time

          2. A member cannot talk against their own motion, but they can vote against it

          3. A vote tied fails

            1. In CEB, Chair breaks ties

          4. Only qualified members can vote

          5. Quorum

            1. In Robert’s Rules, it is 50%

            2. In CEB, ⅔ of the Board members have to be present - a majority

  2. Old Business

    1. Fourth Funding Cycle

  1. Hillel “An Evening with Idan Raichel,” March 3rd, 5:00-6:00 PM - Jhossep and Tania

    1. Questions

      1. N/A

    2. Answers

      1. N/A

    3. Budgetary Questions

      1. Advertising - $500.00 - $325.00 -

        1. Amended to $325.00

        2. Motion to amend the advertising budget from $500.00 to $325.00.

          1. Motion passes

      2. Contract & Licensing

        1. Idan Raichel Speaking Cost - $12,000.00

          1. Speaker cost is actually 11,900, and is now up to $12,000 for conversion, originally $11,500

        2. Motion to amend the speaker’s cost for Idan Raichel from $11,500 to $12,000.

          1. Motion passes

    4. Total - $12,000.00 - $12,325.00

      1. Motion to amend the total cost from $12,000.00 to $12,325.00.

        1. Motion passes

    5. Motion to bundle the associated costs of Hillel’s event “An Evening with Idan Raichel.”

      1. Motion passes

    6. Motion to approve CEB funding of $ 12, 325.00 for Hillel’s event “An Evening with Idan Raichel.”

      1. In favor 6 - Abstain 2 - Negation 0

        1. Motion passes

    7. Liaisons send a second email please.

      1. Please help with this event as much as everyone can, we would like a successful event

      2. Reiterate that CEB does not want any political questions involving Israel to be asked- our support is conditional on this request

      3. Mention that CEB can provide interviewer training and communication with other organizations

      4. Clear system or process on admitting zoom attendees: security system

  2. TEDxCU “Bounce,” March 15th, 12:00 PM - Maya and Cynthia

    1. Questions

      1. Are you willing to try One College Productions again?

        1. They are not.

      2. Can we get a line item estimate for Macky?

      3. Can you provide detailed credentials for Jeff Motter?

        1. Been in speech production for 24 years; previously a political writer; consults in corporations, and nonprofit organizations

        2. Proposal to lower his price due to increase of price considering benefits

          1. We did ask if he could lower his price last meeting

        3. We can approve a portion of the total funds and other organizations could help

          1. SOAC - Student Operational Accounts Committee

            1. Maximum amount they allocate is typically $1,200, most they have ever allocated is $3,000

        4. We do have funds for this, although expensive

        5. Consensus: We want a clear resume or list by list item of qualifications

        6. Main question: Is this the most responsible way to spend student fee funds?

      4. Motion to postpone TEDcCU’s event for “Bounce” budget for another meeting.

        1. Motion passes

        2. Approve 13- Abstain 3 - Negate 1

    2. Budgetary Questions

      1. Advertising - $500.00

      2. Contract & Licensing

        1. Macky - $4,975.25

        2. Jeff Motter Speaking Coach Fees - $8,000.00

          1. There will be a 40% add on to this due to the benefits he receives from CU Boulder

      3. Services

        1. Video/Editing - $10,000.00

    3. Total - $23,475.25 -

    4. Motion to bundle the associated costs of TEDxCU’s event “Bounce.”Motion to approve CEB funding of ____ for TEDxCU’s event “Bounce.”

      1. In favor - Abstain - Negation

  1. Third Funding Cycle

    1. Vietnamese Student Association “Lunar New Year Show” February 20th, 7:30 PM - Chidera & Teagan

      1. Updates: No update, no advertising yet

      2. Send advertising for editing and approval as soon as received

  1. Second Funding Cycle

    1. SHPE and UMAS y MECHA “ACTIVATE SLAM Poetry Workshops & Open Mic” November 7th-9th - Anuja and Thy

      1. Advertising

        1. They posted on November 5th when event was on November 7th

        2. Advertising was exceptionally late

        3. Only posted on instagram

          1. Diversifycunow liked; total of 29 likes

      2. Logistics

        1. Late for giving advertising

        2. Liaison continual contact and lack of answers

        3. Did not approve own funding until four days before their event

          1. Leader of organization has to approve budget for event

        4. May have been overwhelmed by logistics of the zoom event?

        5. Poor execution

      3. Content

        1. 1st workshop - November 7th

          1. 5 people total participating

            1. Includes Andrea and Betsabet

            2. Designed for twenty people max

            3. Small group perhaps due to lack of advertising

            4. Hit controversial issues

            5. Gabriel great leader - got group excited

              1. Showcased different videos of slam poetry and read different pieces like Audre Lorde

        2. Performance - November 9th

          1. Max amount was 15 people

            1. 5 main people talked that wrote and had poem published in past

            2. Expected event for poetry event

            3. No technical issues

            4. Personal poems - romantic and non romantic love, generational trauma

            5. Respectful audience

            6. 7:20 - 8:35

      4. Future Thoughts

        1. Content lived up to expectations

        2. Be on time and early

        3. Strict stipulation that they submit everything on time

        4. Advertising, share and make advertisements in advance that get people excited

        5. *Amend our own advertising suggestions

          1. Add CSI as a resource

          2. Incorporate School departments into advertising suggestions

            1. Ethnic Studies Department, one can email the department

  2. Elijah McClain Event

    1. Updates:

      1. Lil preview for y’all :)

        1. Beautiful!!!

        2. @ivalasquartet

  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. S/o to everyone who helped with the EM Tribute.

        1. Jamey - discussions on payment for workers on EM

          1. Be considerate and patient!

        2. Finalized bill for Macky

      2. Speakers for spring: We will have another conversation about speakers at the ext meeting. We will need to finalize a list before winter break, this may mean having a longer meeting when we meet again.

        1. Top 7-8 people

        2. Balance excitement for certain celebrities and for people who can speak on our desired topics

      3. I am out of the office on November 30th but will be at part of the meeting.

    2. Leg Council

      1. No updates

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. No updates

    4. CUSG Liaison

      1. Absent

    5. Webmaster

      1. PICTURES

      2. Hard to update member’s list

      3. I’ll start calling out names

    6. Social Media Coordinator

      1. I’m calling y’all out

        1. We are missing a small amount

      2. New campaigns

        1. Woohoo!

        2. TBT!

      3. Shout out Jemil and Carson!!!!

        1. Contract???

    7. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Very much enjoy working with Carson

      2. Interested in working closely with Exec members there will be a doc

        1. Secretary especially!!!!

    8. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Absent

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. No updates

    10. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Absent

    11. Secretary/Historian

    12. Chair

      1. Make thank yous - “E-card” or in person card expressing thanks


      3. Secretary elections in two weeks

      4. Email members on leave and see if they would like to return

  1. Adjourn - 9:17pm