Published: Feb. 25, 2019


Monday, February 25th, 2019

6:00 PM. in Hellems 211

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Isabelle, Sandra, Helen, Nora, Ashley, Victoria, Josh, Julisa, Jessica, Chidera, Monica. Chidera, Christina R., Jhossep, Anuja, Christina F., Sowmya, Victor, Niko

Proxies: Isabel for Nickey, Sowmya for Christina R.

Excused: Nickey, Mavjuda

Absent: Maya, Jemil

  1. Fun Activity :)

  1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!

  1. Open Hearing

  1. Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of the Agenda

  1. New Business

    1. 6:00 - 6:30 AD BLITZ and CHALKING for VD and The Reckoning screening

      1. C4C - Anuja, Julisa

      2. Education - Ashley, Maddie

      3. Economics - Chidera

      4. Hale - Christina F., Maya

      5. Hellems - Christina R.

      6. Music - Hayden, Monica

      7. Norlin - Helen, Victoria

      8. Math - Isabelle, Sowmya

      9. Ramaley - Jemil, Sandra

      10. Atlas - Jessica, Josh

      11. Benson - Nora, Jhossep

      12. Chemistry - Niko

    2. Chidera - Dance Marathon

      1. Yearlong movement that raises money for kids at Children’s Hospital Colorado

      2. Culminates in a 10 hour dance marathon on April 13th - “Big Day”

        1. At the Rec

      3. Events throughout the semester

      4. Children’s Hospital Colorado

        1. #1 NIH funded Pediatrics Department

        2. $1.3 million in project funding in the past year

        3. Level 4 NICU

        4. Ranked #8 in the nation

        5. Most children that come into the hospitals do not have insurance

      5. How To Get Involved!

        1. Be on a planning team

        2. Be part of a team

        3. Be an individual dancer

        4. Donate!

        5. Come to events, for free!

      6. Registering for CUDM

        1. Can go to the Dance Marathon website

          1. Register

      7. Be part of this generation, fighting for the next!

        1. Has personally seen the impact the hospital has made on the community

        2. Opening for Morale Chair

      8. On Thursday, on the Hill, there is The Corner - will give 50% of proceeds to Dance Marathon

      9. Feel free to contact Chidera with questions after the meeting

      10. Dance Marathon instagram: dmatcuboulder

    3. Mission Statement

      1. Working statement

        1. Thoughts?

    4. Tabling sign up

        1. Please put full name and sign up so the majority if not all spots are filled

        2. Must sign up for at least two

  1. Old Business

    1. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. Nepalese Student Association (NSA) “Nepal Night” March 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm- Hayden and Christina R.

        1. Update: Just sent poster for approval from the Board earlier in the afternoon, please respond and I will communicate thoughts to them!

      2. Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlán (MEXA) “Semana de la Muxer” March 11th-15th @ Multiple venues/times - Julisa

        1. Update:

          1. Sent poster for approval yesterday

          2. Asked to pay new speaker $3,000 because original speaker did not get back to them.

            1. Content of the panel would not change

            2. Was the previous speaker traveling?

              1. No. Base fee

            3. Asking to move money

            4. Suggestion: have the organization ask the professor about payment

          3. /cmci/polly-e-bugros-mclean

          4. Honorarium - thanking money

          5. Motion to approve Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlán (MEXA) “Semana de la Muxer” for $3000

            1. 11-0-1

      3. South Asian Student Association “Colors of South Asia” - April 7th @ Lower Rec - Mavjuda and Helen

        1. Update: poster feedback has been sent. Waiting for poster adjustments

        2. They still have reservations in the UMC, please tell them to cancel their event

        3. Ask to get bigger space on the floor

    2. Fifth Funding Cycle:

      1. CHEMunity “A Night with Marie Curie” April 4th @ Old Main Chapel - Nickey and Ashley

        1. Update: Still trying to figure out time to meet with Jamey due to conflicting schedules/ prior engagements

      2. Creative Writing Association “Poetry Month Performer Series” April 4th @ Club 156 - Sowmya and Skylar

        1. Update: Waiting on Jamey for answer

      3. Persian Student Organization “Norouz” April 5th @ Williams Village Dining Center - Jessica and Julisa

        1. Update: Waiting response still (sent another email and a seperate one too)

        2. Sent Jamey another email. Sent another email today

          1. If she doesn’t get back by Wednesday then tell Mavjuda

      4. Middle Eastern Student Association “Multicultural Fashion Show” April 5th @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Julisa and Christina F.

        1. Update: Met with Jamey and org, everything is good.

          1. Will email privately to talk about the name of the event

          2. Julisa and Mishaal from MESA met with Jamey last week

      5. Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week” April 8th-12th @ UMC, Norlin Quad, Norlin Fountains, & Kitt - Chidera and Sowmya

        1. Update: Last meeting, Chidera emailed the group and they are looking for other funding sources, so they will not have meeting until they obtain all the money needed

      6. International Festival Committee “IFest” April 14th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Ashley and Isabelle

        1. Update: Had meeting with Jamey today at CSI, everything is up to date!

      7. Students for Sensible Drug Policy “2019 Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium” April 17th @ Wolf Law - Victor and Christina R.

        1. Update: Had meeting last Wednesday with Jamey

      8. CU Comedy Club “Speaker” April 19th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Skylar and Jessica

        1. Update: Coming in next meeting to talk about collaboration

        2. They already talked to Jamey with no liaisons present for the funding meeting and also met with Erin

      9. Graduate Musicology Society “Haitian-Creole Music and Culture with Speakers” April 19th @ Old Main Chapel and Koenig Alumni Center - Hayden and Helen

        1. Update: On schedule and happy with communication that is taking place

      10. VeRVE Collisionz “12th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 20th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Jemil and Hayden

        1. Updates: Still trying to find a time to meet with Jamey

      11. African Student Association “Tour of Africa” April 20th @ Lower Rec -

Nora and Helen

  1. Updates: Met with Jamey and ASA today for our funding meeting.

  1. Officer Reports

  1. Advisor(s)

    1. Leadershape Catalyst is happening on Saturday, March 2nd from 8:30am-5pm in Williams Village Multipurpose Rooms. Leadershape Catalyst is a one-day program that focuses on developing student leaders’ unique path for the future, connects them to groups and causes they are passionate about, and challenges students to commit to a plan to be an advocate for themselves and the groups they are a part of. Spots are still open and I am asking for assistance in getting students to sign up. To apply students can visit the website: /involvement/cu-gold-leadership/leadershape-catalyst

  1. LGBTQ-friendly Employer & Student Mixer

    1. Thurs, March 7, 5:30-7:00pm

    2. UMC Aspen Room

    3. Free for all CU Boulder students! No need to sign up - just show up.

  1. DSCC Dialogues Event: Black Lives Matter Conversation

    1. Wednesday, February 27th

    2. 5pm-7pm

    3. Dennis Small Cultural Center (UMC 457)

    4. Facilitated by Professor Potter

  1. Leg Council

    1. Sorry I couldn’t be here tonight!! Budget hearings start on wednesday, wish us luck! I am so so excited about the VD event and you guys are amazing- keep up the good work it’s been so cool to watch you guys make this happen.

  2. CUSG Liaison

      1. Work with youth in community to inspire change in communities

      2. Laureate advocates for indigenous people

      3. Application deadline on Wednesday

    1. Advising Forum: This Wednesday 6-7 in UMC 384 There will be chips and guac and coffee and cookies :)

      1. Want to double the amount of advisors on campus

    2. Brainstorm

      1. Diversity Commission

      2. Joint effort between Leg and CUSG

      3. Event for International Women’s Day - March 8th

        1. Marketing, social media contest/challenge

          1. Highlight women on campus

        2. #䱫ԳٱԲپDzԲ´dz’sٲ

          1. Best Post or top three can win a prize

          2. Be careful with #s

      1. You can’t remove inappropriate pictures connected to tags

  1. Webmaster

    1. Please send bio to Nickey!!!

  2. Social Media Coordinator

    1. Please share :)

    2. Contest?

      1. Talk to DSB with two free tickets

      2. Can perhaps do signed posters for the contest

    3. 1700 attendees!!!

  3. Student Outreach Coordinator

    1. Looking at surveys

      1. Culture Shock had 3 responses

    2. Liaisons please represent importance of the surveys

    3. Breakdown

      1. Rocker’s Rumble

        1. 90% gave 5/5

      2. Chinese Lunar New Year

        1. Scores are scattered

        2. 19% gave them a 4

      3. Culture Shock

        1. 100% students

        2. 33% gave them a 4

    4. Make sure you are showing receipts for surveys

  4. Speakers Coordinator

    1. Went live with VD event! SHARE SHARE SHARE

      1. There will not be plus ones for this event as collectively there will be about 50+ members with DSB and CEB combined and the venue will not be able to accomodate for all and plus ones

        1. Within conversation with DSB, this might change as we approach closer to the event if certain people (RSVPs from our VIP guests) decide not to come to reception

          1. But still not enough to accomodate for plus ones x2, but here’s hoping

    2. Went live with IC event! SHARE SHARE SHARE

      1. Sent over the two topics voted most by the board (1 &2) and have asked IC how she will be able to incorporate both within event.

    3. If wanting to run for this position, contact me!

      1. Please, if you are interested in the position as it is a position with a lot of work, I want to give you as much detail as possible, so do reach out to me in email or text: (720) 345-2583

  5. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

    1. Only a few days to promote screening! If EVERYONE could make a post about it today or tomorrow on Facebook and just share something quickly about it, that would be super helpful!

    2. I’m only planning one more film this semester because things got super busy super quick on the board, but, in the ASC folder on the drive, there is a blank document you can add your movie suggestions to (Titled: Film Suggestions Fall 2019-Spring 2020). The will be helpful for the new ASC!

      1. Next film screening is ! Scheduled for Tuesday, March 19th from 6:30-9 in HUMN 150!

      2. Thinking about going live on March 5th, it gives 2 weeks to spread the word and it’ll be the day after TB goes live

      3. Potential collab with PC, thoughts?

        1. No problem with collaboration

        2. Can you ask them to provide popcorn?

    3. I’ll be making a RoD and plus one sheet for VD, TB, and IC in the near future (just give me like 5 seconds to breath then I will)

  6. Marketing Coordinator

    1. Worked on TB & IC marketing

    2. Remember to advertise The Reckoning screening that’s happening this Wednesday


    3. Sign up for tabling (linked above in New Business)

    4. If anyone is interested in the Marketing Coordinator position, please let me know. Feel free to text/email me for more info.

  7. Secretary/Historian

    1. Hi, Sunshine Faces!

    2. Below is an Office Schedule for each person to fill their schedules out. I have allocated 3 weeks for people to finalize their schedules. I would really appreciate if you would all select a time for CEB. It is required that people allocate 30 minutes each week.

    3. I am working on writing the notes on speakers for Fall 2019 discussed during retreat. This will be done by next week sometime.

      1. I will also be doing research on speakers that you all can look at. Due to the number of speakers that will take some time, however, you can look and see the progress on research

    4. Thank you, loves! I hope you are all doing an amazing week!

  8. Chair

    1. Sign up for

      1. I’ll add more times later this week

    2. Budgetary hearings for CEB are on Wednesdays for Leg.

      1. Let me know if you are thinking of running for Chair and want to sit in on these meetings

    3. Thinking of splitting elections into two days

      1. April 1st for Stipend - Chair, Speakers Coordinator, Student Outreach Coordinator, and Marketing Coordinator

      2. April 8th for hourly - Webmaster, Social Media Coordinator, Assistant Speakers Coordinator, Secretary

      3. Interviews

        1. Best to be prepared

        2. Please pursue current officers

        3. Positions are for a full academic year

    4. Starting March 4th, we will be forming the bylaw committee to change some things in the bylaws

      1. Committee will meet after meetings on Monday

        1. Hayden Johnson

        2. Christina Fang (AY!) if i don’t die

        3. Chidera

        4. Skylar

  1. Adjourn at 8:20pm

Board Contact Information

  1. Anuja - (970)-449-2336

  2. Ashley - (720)-345-2583 - Budgetary

  3. Chidera - (720)-364-0652 - Budgetary

  4. Christina F. - (630)- 624-1789 - Budgetary

  5. Christina R. - (719)-439-8356 - Budgetary

  6. Erin - (970)-397-9461 - Advisor

  7. Hayden - (720)-254-2368 - Budgetary

  8. Helen - (650)-759-5756 - Budgetary

  9. Isabelle - (505)-414-3631

  10. Jemil - (720)-532-5521

  11. Jessica - (720)-999-1656 - Budgetary

  12. Jhossep - (970)-691-0556

  13. Josh - (512)-968-1056‬

  14. Julisa - (720)-401-2625 - Budgetary

  15. Maddie - (970)-690-2467- Budgetary

  16. Mavjuda - (720)-308-4027 - Budgetary

  17. Maya - (817)-584-6060

  18. Monica - (720)-980-7324‬

  19. Nickey - (720)-519-6851- Budgetary

  20. Niko - (303)-564-3760

  21. Nora - (303)-968-4716- Budgetary

  22. Sandra - ‭(303)-263-2696‬

  23. Skylar - (719)-291-0520- Budgetary

  24. Sowmya - (201)-367-8289

  25. Victor - (719)-290-0886

  26. Victoria - (720)-243-3525