Published: May 15, 2020

Norlin Quad at SunsetAt the BFA May General Assembly meeting resolution BFA-R-1-042920 was introduced. Members reviewed the resolution regarding faculty principles and recomendations for administrative policy regarding the COVID crisis and it's impacts in particular with AY20-21 campus planning. Since this was the final Assembly meeting of the year, members voted to delay a vote in order to consult with their constituents on the seven items listed.Ìý Representatives solicited feedback from their units and gave that feedback to the BFA Executive Committee for a special session on May 4, 2020. The Committee revised the document based on the feedback, and Representatives voted on the final version via Qualtrics on May 4th and 5th. All seven items in the resolution carried. Please see vote specifics for all items in the full BFA Resolution of a Statement on Faculty Principles Related to COVID-19 Response Measures.Ìý