Published: Dec. 5, 2018

The results from ASSETT’s biennial academic technology survey are in!

Last spring, we collected data from faculty and students regarding their experiences using academic technology at CU Boulder. The survey covered perceptions of student preparation and digital literacy, course style preferences, use and interest in academic technologies, and digital device use in the classroom, among several other topics. , which includes links to multiple interactive visualizations. All of the qualitative, open-response questions have been made public and searchable, so you can focus on the data that is relevant to your specific interests!

For more information, or to request a customized presentation of the results for your campus group, contact ³§³ó²¹²Ô±ðÌý³§³¦³ó·É¾±°ì±ð°ù³Ù, ASSETT’s Educational Technology Researcher.

Plot of helpfulness versus frequency of use for several instructional technology tools