Type I Diabetes Mellitus Effects on Bone Strength and Fracture

Project Description The purpose of this project is to evaluate bones from humans and mice with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), where hyperglycemia and accumulation of increased collagen cross-links embrittle bone material. Humans with T1DM have a significantly elevated risk of bone fracture. This study will involve performing mechanical testing...

GRIN Lens Fabrication and Characterization for In Situ Nerve Response Monitoring

Project Description The McLeod lab, in collaboration with various groups at other universities/institutions, is developing a method of monitoring brain activity in mice in real time measurements. Specifically, the McLeod lab is tasked with fabricating and characterizing a gradient index (GRIN) lens with specific biological and mechanical properties. The GRIN...

Remediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils with Concentrated Solar Power

Project Description We are seeking an undergraduate student to assist in a using concentrated solar power to remediate hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Research is performed in a lab facility in Denver. The student will be trained to use solar concentrators, collect temperature and power data from samples, and assess the effectiveness of...

Process Simulation Development

Project Description Student would carry out research to develop comprehensive tutorials using the Aspen suite of process simulation tools, Aspen+,Hysys, Adsorption, Chromatography, EDN, Aspen Batch, Aspen Dynamics, others or a subset of the most needed. Special Requirements Should be a major in chemical or chemical and biological engineering; should have...

High-Performance Algorithms for Simulation of Fluids and Structures

Project Description Fluid and solid mechanics are modeled and simulated using partial differential equations, which accounts for a large fraction of compute time in research and industry engineering. Evolving hardware has shifted the relative costs and so-called higher order methods are becoming increasingly attractive from a computational standpoint, but are...

Automatic Differentiation and Machine Learning in Scientific Simulation

Project Description Physical models based on partial differential equations (PDE) offer strong generalization and interpretability, including ability to infer unobserved properties. Calibrating such models with observed data often requires propagation of derivatives through PDE solvers, constitutive relations (which describe complex materials), and data layers such as image processing. These components...

Powering Wearable Gadgets with Dietary Fibers

Project Description At the Emergent Nanomaterials Laboratory (ENL), we work at the forefront of materials research and come up with exciting applications for novel polymeric and soft materials. We are currently working on a biodegradable material, called cyclodextrin, which is formed when glucose molecules come together to form a ring...

Scientific Computing Libraries in Rust

Project Description Rust is a new systems programming language that is rapidly growing in popularity, but library support for parallel and GPU-enabled scientific computing remains limited. As compared to the status quo languages of C, C++, and Fortran, use of Rust creates the opportunity to make scientific software more accessible,...

Analysis and Classification of Different Cell Phone Radio Signals

Project Description In connection with NTIA/ITS (National Telecommunications and Information Administration/Institute for Telecommunication Sciences) we are collecting LTE and 5G NR cell phone radio signals in the Boulder area and CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) signals in the Denver area. The purpose is to study spectrum usage and to devise...

Printed Biodegradable Batteries for Soil Sensing

Project Description Spatial variability in soil composition leads to resource distribution inefficiencies in agriculture. This issue can be addressed by tailored soil management in heterogeneous fields. Current state-of-the-art soil sensors are typically expensive and labor-intensive to install/uninstall, thereby restricting the high-density deployment required for refined spatial resolution measurements. Our group...
